Opinions on if you would do this or not.

Would you do this?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • no

    Votes: 8 36.4%

  • Total voters
Ok i did some web searching because i didnt like the person i e-mail. She was doing for quick cash. But i did find another person who has beautiful work! If anyone would like his website so they have this done please let me know. He doesnt only do pets but people to.
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Not creepy at all, hun. Some people don't feel that pets are close enough to keep with you, but MANY do, including myself. I've taken feathers from every beloved chicken that has passed and made christmas ornaments; I have a urn pendant with one of my kitties fur in it that stays in my car on the rear view mirror. I don't know what I'll do when Muffin (my first dog) passes.

But in reality, what anyone else thinks doesn't matter. Not one bit! Because it's YOUR life, and he was YOUR kitty. You should choose to cherish his memory in whatever way feels right to you! If anyone tells you any different, direct them my way and I'll give them my two cents worth.
My personal preference is to bury the pet and put a headstone in place. Cremation has always been hard for me to grasp I guess. So in direct answer to the poll question, no, I wouldn't.
To me, I wouldn't and couldn't. To me, once someone or something passes, it is part of the "closure" process for me to bury my beloved pet. The hard work in digging the grave, every painstaking stroke of the shovel..is a reminder of every process I had with the animal. Without burial, to me, it doesn't seem as though I have worked out my pain and love for my animal.

That's just me...
I don't think its creepy. Some people will. When my sister passed away last year ( I know people are not the same as pets but still) we all had necklaces made with a small bit of her ashes in a little vial/bottle. At first I wore it a lot. It made it easier some how, I felt like I was taking her with me. Over time I wear it less. I know it bothers my husband, he finds it a bit creepy, a couple people at work do to. Others understand. Usually others who have recently lost a loved one. Sometimes I still wear it, but I am usually okay leaving her at home. I think if making your pet into a necklace makes greaving easier thats what you should do. Everyone is different if you feel comfortable wearing it then you should. If you don't want to then you shouldn't.

Also why can't I use my right mouse button to spell check on here anymore? How do I spell check? I really suck at spelling and sometimes just knowing its spelled wrong doesn't help me figure out how to spell it right. for instance greaving. I tried like three different ways.
Everyone has a different way of letting go. No one can judge someone else for having a different way. I just really wanted to know what people thought about this process and peoples ways of dealing with the loss. Thank you all for not fighting about everyone having a different way. I personally am going to try this. Maybe it will help with my closure since I still have not been able to come to terms with it for over a year. He said 3 weeks to have it back after sending it in so if anyone would like to see I will post a picture on here after I get it back.
I think it's a nice idea, not creepy at all, just look at all the rituals in different countries how the deceased get honored,
I probably wouldn't wear one myself though, I feel that what is left is just something they shed off and not the actual animal we loved. I would rather have a picture of them on a pendant I think. When my good old Teddy dog of 18 years decides that it is her time I will get a tattoo of her, she has been my loyal friend and been through everything with me. With a tattoo I will always have her memory by my side

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