Opinions Please!

My future real coop is still in planning. Still collecting free materials. If I find sufficient quantities of brick and/or concrete block, how much of a foundation to build and how to provide drainage without providing critter holes?

Budget is tight, the only big outlay I will not compromise on is that 1/2 inch mesh. Is the 19 gauge standard or is this another thing to not take word for unless I see it in writing?

And, I know its overkill, but what about tiled concrete as coop floor? Tile places throw out all sorts of tile and I know how to do tiling. I'm envisioning something that can be hosed out...that european look.
everyone tells me I over think things. so pipe up and say so
Okay i think i know what i am going to do...

*We will bury some of the wire to create an apron

*We'll use screws and bolts and what not to secure the wire

*And the chickens will be locked up in the coop at night to ensure further security
Sounds good- facing a first winter can be nervewracking!!!
Yes, wire comes in different gauges so you'll want to confirm that before you buy. Gauge is a measure of the thickness of the wire; the higher the number, the lower the thickness (counterintuitive, eh?). And another thing: "mesh" usually refers to wire that's twisted, rather than welded together (like chicken wire). But I haven't found chicken wire that has spacing as small as 1/2 inch.

What you want to look for is welded wire, as hardware cloth typically is. This means the places where the horizontal wire and the vertical wire cross have been welded together, rather than just twisted together.
My BF keeps telling me the same thing! He says "They're CHICKENS!" as if I didn't know

As for the tile, I think it would work if it wasn't slippery when it was wet? I'm not sure. I'm still building my first coop too and I put down an old rubber pond liner so that I could hose it all out. It has a textured finish to it. I don't see why tile wouldn't work, especially with a nice layer of pine shavings over it.
I use 19 Gauge 1/2 x 1/2 inch on most of my coops and I have never had any issues with it.I think its one of the best wire for coops.I guess the only way to be completely predator free would be a steel box and dont think henrietta would like that. I also use a Great Pyrenees and he works wonders lol.
Well, you asked for it so here goes......19 guage sounds strong enough. Yes, by all means you must secure it well to posts and bury part of it BUT.....DON'T FORGET TO COVER THE RUN SECURELY!
Some of those listed critters can climb like nobodies business, particularly the racoons and opossums. Then, you can't forget about those flying fortresses either.
Sometimes I wonder why we don't just all bring our chickies into the bedroom with us at night. By the way, the only thing that can outdig your neighbor's dog is a fox, but I don't see that on your list. Don't you have foxes where you live? Their favorite shopping time at the closest poultry market is before 10 am and after 3 pm, especially on an overcast day.
blurose: I am guessing you've had a bad experience with a fox. I live in North Texas, and am not aware of any around here. I have heard of bobcats in the area, but have never ever seen any. The coop/run will be one piece, covered with plywood, so i am not worried about hawks. I have silkies, and will have to watch them when they free range anyways. I am just hoping i do the apron right.


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