opposed to sunlight?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 26, 2012
We've had out chickens outside during days for about 2 weeks now, and they really seem to be opposed to direct sunlight. Is this just a phase that they will eventually grow out of or might we not have gotten them outside early enough? They're about 9 weeks old, and fully feathered out. Maybe we just need to give them more access to shade? In their temporary run they have a bit of a lean-to that they all gather under but maybe I just need to put them in a shadier location...
Yes, I agree. Put them in half shade, half sunlight for a week or so until the get used to it. Make sure they have plenty of water.
Try some sun shade you can purchase from Lowes/Home Depot. The first day of so my chickens were cautions under it but now they strut around like they own it. They are a few week younger than yours but have been outside for roughly the same amount of time. Haha. It is very simple to attach with a staple gun and won't restrict ventilation like a tarp would.

Good Luck!
Thanks for the replies, folks. As I said, I have them in some shade but I'll certainly give them some more.

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