Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Tee hee ... He looks nice and comfy! Such a cutie
LOL, he's like a "Where's Waldo" kind of guy.

Funny you should say that. We often are playing "Where's Finn?" when we hear thumps in the house and cannot see him. He has a homing device that seems to want to send him straight to whatever quilt I am working on in my craft room, a room which is technically off limits to the hairy beast, doors stay closed, but he is a sneaky son of a gun.
Cats are tricky to live with. My sister, who has two and is a real cat person, says I'm a cat person. I cannot convince her that I really am not, even after having Finn for over a year. I like Finn and I take care of Finn and he is entertaining, but he also is extremely frustrating and irritating. No, I'm still a dog person. The one thing I do love about cats over dogs is that they bury their poop and you don't step in it, LOL.
I witnessed Finn defend his territory today. From my bedroom window, I saw a gray cat some walking down the driveway, had no idea where Finn was. DH and I stepped out onto the deck quietly to see the cat and Finn came sauntering around from the other side of the house when he heard us walk outside. He saw the cat, zoomed to the steps, down, and went underneath the Honda. For a few seconds, we didn't see Finn and the other cat froze. Then, Finn shot out from under the SUV, all puffed out and ran after the cat. Strange cat skedaddled off the property and Finn simply stopped halfway down the driveway and turned back to the house and began smelling around where the other cat had been. No "words" were exchanged that we could hear up on the deck where we stood and Finn left it at that. I wonder if this is the same gray cat he ran 20 ft up the tree that one time.

Tried out a camera DH got at the thrift store for under $5. It's a $300 camera but has some obvious issues. Takes great pics, when you can get it to stay on.

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