Oregon Fall Poultry Swap! 9/25/10 11am **all details on first post!*

I am sorry to hear about you loss. I imagine it to be esspecially hard when it is due to human error. I don't know what you are interested in, but I could hatch out some little mutts that should be great little layers if you are interested. I would give them to you. If I got on it, we may know by the swap if they were hens or roos. That is if you were just interested in layers for eggs. I totally understand if you want purebreds.

Thanks.. And I couldn't possibly just take them, I can bake you pretty much anything you want -- any preferences? I'd like purebreds but as long as the hens are sweet I don't really care too much about bloodlines. What breeds do you have? edit: See below for a recipe I was thinking of making for you. Offer to make something else stands.

eta: I don't know if I can donate to the venue costs, but I can cook. I was thinking of making my grandmother's Swedish pancake recipe (they're like crepes) and filling them with a chantilly-style traditional Swedish cream (it has a light almondy-vanilla flavor) and fresh berries. Sound tasty? If not I can probably come up with something else.
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This is me saying yes to the Swedish pancakes!!!

I'm going to be bringing my Nana's Banana Cake with vanilla frosting and my Grandma's apple cake dusted with powdered sugar. Two very "fall like" desserts. I think I'll make them into cupcakes so it will be easier to eat while people browse.
Awesome! So far, my Gram's recipe has never failed me. Maybe I'll make a quadruple batch and cook them up the night before for refrigeration -- if I wait until after work to make that many, I'd never make it to the swap! I didn't even think of that whole browsing thing though. Maybe I'll bring paper plates and napkins or something -- a lot. Hopefully enough to share resources.

Banana cake and apple cake sound delicious! Very fall-like, I agree.
With all these sweets, maybe I should find a veggie-based dish to make too... to balance it out. One carrot cancels out three cupcakes, right?
Probably but I'd rather just have 3 more cupcakes
Seriously though, anything you'd like to bring will be appreciated. At the spring swap we had hot mac and cheese, sandwich stuff and a lot of other things that I'm forgetting at the moment. It was awesome.

I need to update my list...again....I just have too many roosters - they are setting each other off and causing complete chaos.

Have -
1 Black Tailed Buff Japanese Bantam cockerel - 4/11/10
**he is iffy but I'm going to leave him on the list for now. We'll see if he behaves.

2 OEGB cockerels - Black Breasted Red (BBR) - hatch date 5/23/10
2 OEGB cockerels - Crele (for sure) - hatch date 5/23/10
1 OEGB cockerel - Barred - hatch date 1/5/10
2 Smooth Sizzles - Birchen and Black - hatch date 1/5/10 **These are the guys from the "rumpless roos" thread. They still have not grown any tail feathers. I was trying to get them to Modesto for Wolftracks, but we haven't been able to find drivers so I'm putting them up for adoption locally. They HAVE to go together since they are completely attached to one another.

These are all pets - not for your table.

Want - Cochin pullets - standard or bantam - any color or age as long as they are girls. I don't even care if they are past laying age
Anything Splash or mottled (looking for different colors for my flock) - pullet only
Black Tailed Buff Japanese pullet - young (3-6 months?)

The last one is a long shot but I just lost mine this week If I decide to keep the rooster, would be nice to have a pair again
Maybe I should do a list too... I'd take a roo off your hands, but my roommate is terrified of them and the landlord won't allow them.

-baked goods! PM for a recipe you'd like, if not listed below
-Swedish crepes with Chantilly-style Swedish sweet cream and berries (probably raspberry)
-Spinach-mushroom-Gruyère crepes
-Cucumbers with basil-chive-cream cheese topping

-Buckeye pullets/hens
-blue, blue splash, or white Silkie pullet/hen
-EE pullets/hens of any kind: purebred Araucana or Ameraucana not terribly important to me
-Buff Orpington pullets/hens
-Barred Plymouth Rock pullets/hens

It would be nice if everyone in the new flock was about the same age, but not a necessity. My roommates are kind of tolerating my chicken project with amusement and I'm hoping that if I have a productive flock they'll warm up to the idea a bit more.
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Ok, you guys probably are getting sick of my updates but here we go again! (this one has a very happy ending!)

My two birchen and black Sizzles get to go to California after all to live with Wolftracks. She lost her husband suddenly last week. Her husband had been encouraging her to get these roos for breeding so it has become a priority for us to try and get them to her, especially now. I am making plans - at the request of my step father - to come to California this fall to scatter my Mom's ashes finally. It's time and while I really don't want to do it, he needs me so I'm going - two roos in tow! Thank goodness they did away with the inspection station on I-5
but I will have them hidden for border crossing just in case! Sooooo those two are off the "have" list. Anyone else want a rooster while I'm heading south in September? Free delivery
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Have -
1 Black Tailed Buff Japanese Bantam cockerel - 4/11/10
**he is iffy but I'm going to leave him on the list for now. We'll see if he behaves.

2 OEGB cockerels - Black Breasted Red (BBR) - hatch date 5/23/10
2 OEGB cockerels - Crele (for sure) - hatch date 5/23/10
1 OEGB cockerel - Barred - hatch date 1/5/10

These are all pets - not for your table.

Want - Cochin pullets - standard or bantam - any color or age as long as they are girls. I don't even care if they are past laying age
Anything Splash or mottled (looking for different colors for my flock) - pullet only
Black Tailed Buff Japanese pullet - young (3-6 months?)

The last one is a long shot but I just lost mine this week If I decide to keep the rooster, would be nice to have a pair


Have - If there is interest, could hatch some mutt chicks, and also some ducklings (Khaki Campbells, Muscovies, and..??) Black Australorp hatching eggs or chicks

Want -


Have -

Want - Pilgrim Geese


Have - 1 or 2 Black Copper Marans cockerels, 1 Black/White Polish Crested cockerel, 4 Golden Polish Crested pullets--one still recovering from Wry-neck, and 8+/- Silver Spangled Hamburg pullets and their roo. All of the above hatched in late Feb. Also have 3 dozen "spent" hens (they're 2 1/2 yrs) of Ameraucana and various common brown egg layers (BO, Light Brahma, Dark Cornish, etc).

Want - Friendly, good free-ranging, brown-egg-laying pullets to replace the Hamburgs sent by mistake by McMurray

Cloverleaf Farm

Have - Blue bantam Cochin cockerel, he's on the 8 weeks and older BSA section for pics. A LF Salmon Faverolles cockerels, a white Faverolles cockerel, some bantam lavender Ameraucanas, a LF lavender Ameraucana cockerel or two (spoken for - oregonJen), and I don't know what else yet...growing things out right now

UPDATE: I have a breeding pair of 1 year old black bantam Ameraucanas that shipped directly from John Blehm, if anyone is interested in them before swap time (if I don't sell them locally before it cools off, they are shipping to Indiana)..

Want - 2-3 of oregonJens SQ black Ameraucana pullets!!!!!

K7 Menagerie


Want - mille fleur cochins I need more, more, more, more!!!! Why, no, I'm not obsessed. What would make you think that?


Have - possibly some Seramas

Want - trio of show quality OEGBs


Have - http://www.wvhatchery.com/chicks.html


Have - possibly some mille fleur d'Uccle hatching eggs
Ok guys I can not wait for the swap because my welsummers that were spossed to be pullets are roos! They are 4 months...anyone want them...they are FREE!!!! Breeder lines,,,and FREE! I will meet people.

Want -


Have - Alpaca fiber, maybe some pullets

Want - a couple of nigerian dwarf does (anybody have any to trade for an alpaca or 2?)


Have -
(or can take orders for)

Bantam Cochins- buff, blue, splash, black, white, Frizzle and mottled- strait run chicks/ eggs only
Buff Bantam Cochin cockerels
I might have some blue Bantam cochin pullets (Hatchery quality) by Sept
Silkie chicks in Blue/ Black/ splash/ buff/ white- excellent quality
Barnvelder strait run chicks
Speckled Sussex Strait run chicks
EE pullets 6-7 months old
Cuckoo Marans roosters/ cockerels/ chicks
Guinea keets (babies) in lavender, assorted blues, buff, buff dundotte, pearl, Royal Purple and white.
Two adult auburn turkey pairs- not available until September
Auburn turkey poults (unsexed)
Royal Palm Turkey poults
a couple young Royal Palm toms and 1 mature tom
Mille fleur D' Uccle Cockerel
3 Silver sebright bantam cockerels
1 young adult male peacock
some male ducks
We can also take orders for GLW chicks, Buff Orpington chicks
I also have a Trio of huge Exhibition Buff Orpingtons- QS bloodlines
I also have a beautiful White Silkie cockerel
Feather Jewelry

Want -

Silver Laced Wyandottes
Gold Laced Wyandottes
Columbian Wyandottes
Welsummers (prefer non- hatchery birds)
Muscovy Ducks
Speckled Sussex females
Rhode Island Red rooster (hens are good too)
Buckeye hens or pullets
Marans females- any variety, must have feathered shanks
Mille Fleur D' Uccle Females
Silver Sebright females
pied or white peafowl
pied Guineas


Have - I have Lavender Ameraucana's chicks hatched 7/28 (from Pips&Peeps) and W/BW Ameraucana's hatched 7/16 (from Tailfeathers). Any roos that show up I can bring to the swap...they will be three months old by then and hopefully I'll be able to tell which are the roos!

Want -


Have - pullets of various breeds/ages

want -


Have - hopefully nothing!

Want - rubber chicken purse! And to chat!!


Have - BYC gear to raffle!!!

Want -


Have -

Blue/Splash/Black Silkie x Phoenix Cross Chicks
Genetic Hackle Stock Cockerels (Boatloads I'll probably put some up here on BYC too)
2 Sumatra Buff Wyandotte Cross Chicks (looks like two pullets)
Possibly blue modern bantam chicks (in the bator)
Splash MGB Cock (only if someone wants/needs him)
Possibly some cuckoo and bbs silkie chicks
Could bring a dozen split lavender silkie eggs
Could bring some cuckoo silkie eggs (only if the girls kick into action tho)

Nothing but my resolve might just fail when I'm there............

And if someone wants any of these before feel free to pm me


Have -

-baked goods! PM for a recipe you'd like, if not listed below
-Swedish crepes with Chantilly-style Swedish sweet cream and berries (probably raspberry)
-Spinach-mushroom-Gruyère crepes

Want -

-Buckeye pullets/hens
-blue, blue splash, or white Silkie pullet/hen
-EE pullets/hens of any kind: purebred Araucana or Ameraucana not terribly important to me
-Buff Orpington pullets/hens
-Barred Plymouth Rock pullets/hens

It would be nice if everyone in the new flock was about the same age, but not a necessity. My roommates are kind of tolerating my chicken project with amusement and I'm hoping that if I have a productive flock they'll warm up to the idea a bit more.


Have - Trio of buff Orps, hatched 5/3

Want - 2 to 4 white silkie chicks or pullets
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Oh, that's great! I hope they help her feel better. I am continually shocked and touched at the generosity displayed by people in this forum.

Thank you, I hope so. Roosters are so hard to rehome so I really love it when they go to people who really, really want them. So far I've had good luck in giving all my roosters this type of home. It's a lot of hard work and takes complete dedication but so worth it in the end. It helps me sleep me better at night knowing my boys aren't in someone's freezer

And yes, there are a lot of wonderful people here. I get frustrated and depressed a lot when I read some posts where there is nothing but negative, bad mouthing and criticism but I've learned to just hit the little red X up in the corner and walk away before I open my big mouth!
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Have - hopefully nothing!

Want - rubber chicken purse! And to chat!!

LOL I want one of these too!!! My family refuses to let me buy one. They said it is hideous. What do they know?

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