Oregon Fall Poultry Swap! 9/25/10 11am **all details on first post!*

Rubber chicken purse? Now this I have to see! Though my best friend / roommate is telling me more or less constantly that I look like a bag lady, so I don't know if she'd let me have one. She might just take one look at it and throw it under the house or off an overpass or something...
Here you go! Lol....


and the matching coin purse

Ohh, ok. We were picturing a rubber chicken with straps on it and a hole cut out for your wallet. That's much more reasonable. I told her about rubber chicken purses and she raised her eyebrows and said "NO" in that very definitive bad-dog-stop-eating-that voice she gets.
Hi All,
I have been lurking here for a few weeks and wanted to say "Hi". I'm excited about the swap coming up, as I live about 8 miles up the road from Pass Creek Park. I currently have one Buff Orpington rooster and two pullets, hatched about 5/3 that I am bringing, and I am looking for two to four white silkie chicks or pullets (no roosters) that can be hand tamed. I also plan on bringing some type of finger foods for the potluck. Sounds like a fun gathering.
Hey eggardengirl, welcome! Always glad to see more people from our neck of the woods. I'm about 11 miles from Pass Creek, just west of Cottage Grove.

So wish driving that far was feasible. I need something in the PDX/Wash Co area. I do need pullets this fall though, if anyone's got large fowl, any breed, brown and green egg layers.

If a swap did come up in this area I would so bring buffalo meat to trade! Laying hens, and some muscovy ducks. (Maybe even some peacocks.

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