
Thanks for the replys guys.. I know it's not really the egg laying time of year. I just really want to practice some hatching and I have no patience! I was thinking I should try a local market for some free ranging eggs or does anyone know if the Trader Joes around here have fertile eggs...

Ha! I've been reading about people hatching the fertile eggs from Trader Joe's! They have varied success with that. It might be a fun experiment.
Hi all! Anyone near Sandy or know someone with some fertile hatching eggs?? I can't find anything on CL lately.. I just got my incubater and am getting it all figured out. Thanks =)

Are you looking for purebred or mutts? I currently have a broody setting on 3 of our eggs to hatch out. If you look at my Sig line you can see what birds I have. The EE's and Sex-link are pullets and not laying yet. How many eggs are you looking for? Are you looking just to "play" with your incubator? My Orp pairs would be purebred, just not a recognized color. You can PM me if you want. I am on here from afternoon to evening(work graveyard).
Are you looking for purebred or mutts? I currently have a broody setting on 3 of our eggs to hatch out. If you look at my Sig line you can see what birds I have. The EE's and Sex-link are pullets and not laying yet. How many eggs are you looking for? Are you looking just to "play" with your incubator? My Orp pairs would be purebred, just not a recognized color. You can PM me if you want. I am on here from afternoon to evening(work graveyard).
oh yeah i'm just playing around with my first hatch, nothing serious. Thought I'd try a dozen. I also don't want to keep them so I was going to give them away... I've never done this before and I don't know who would want them. I was going to do the NYD hatch but since I got my bator I'm finding it hard to wait till Dec 10th! haha.
We are South and West of Portland, but are still getting eggs, and judging by our recent success hatching some out, we know they are fertile. But they'd be mutts ... 5 different roosters for 50 hens, various breeds. You can probably find better choices a bit closer to you.

We also have fertile duck eggs ... only one pair of ducks, so they'd be true to breed if they hatched. We just hatched some duck eggs yesterday.
Ooo what kind of ducks do you have?? I would be very interested in the spring... if I'm any good at hatching that is :)
Ooo what kind of ducks do you have?? I would be very interested in the spring... if I'm any good at hatching that is :)

We have a lovely mating pair of production Ruane ducks. It is a French breed that looks like a larger Mallard. Since she started laying, she gives us one egg per day. They are very regular ... a pale mint green. They aren't super huge ... I think they always weigh the same: 2.77 oz if I remember correctly. She may go broody in the spring. But we will likely have another female reaching laying age next spring, too ... It would be offspring of the first pair, and I'm not sure of the etiquette of hatching eggs fertilized by her father.
Greetings from Monmouth, Oregon.
I would like to invite all in the Mid Valley to the Old Mill Feed & Garden (Dallas, Oregon) Holiday Pet Fair on Sat. Nov. 17 from 10am to 3pm. MI Chicken Revolution will have a booth at the fair. Dear hens Spot and Ophelia will join us at the booth! We hope to answer questions for
anyone considering expanding their gardens to include these special pets or swap stories with those that already have hens. In addition to the fun offered at the Fair, this event is a fundraiser for local pet charities (dogs/cats, horses, & chickens). Funds donated to Chickens will help to pay for the 1st Annual MI Coop Tour in 2013 (Monmouth/Independence, Oregon). There is nothing like a Coop Tour to celebrate backyard hens and allow those considering backyard hens the opportunity to talk with neighbors about raising hens! If you would like to submit your coop for the tour, please stop by and sign up or leave word on the MI Chicken Revolution Facebook page! We have 6-8 openings left.
And remember... Chickens are welcome at the Old Mill Feed & Garden Holiday Pet Fair on Saturday. Imagine a Santa picture w/your sweet hen

My family is in dayton Oregon!
Not much weather to worry about, yet.
We are trying to find some well bread Muscovy to keep down the slugs, my garden was demolished last year. All previous solutions failed me, crazy mutant slugs I tell you. Lol.
Thinking two max I'd like to keep them to the garden area, 18x40 ft I think it was. We kept a couple mag pies for a while but one was a drake and would not stay off he chickens! So we let go of ducks until we got the garden fenced.
We'd like to show them locally as we'll, our kids show chickens and rabbits in the 4h shows and we'd like to do more of that.
How do your ducks do in the garden with the plantings? I had ducks before but never inside the fence so I didn't know if they would do harm to the veggies or not. I would love to have some again.
Quote: Not sure if you're still looking but I raise Black Copper Marans and Olive Eggers. I also have LF Project Buff Faverolles but those eggs aren't currently available. But if you're still in need of eggs let me know. I'd be happy to help you out.
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