Organic Non GMO Wholesome Feed?

I also have been looking for NON GMO chicken feeds and FINALLY found this site tonight: They JUST became Non GMO project certified in July! Hopefully you live some where close to a retailer b/c for us to ship in WI costs $19 per item! YIKES. We are thinking of taking a trip down there and buying massive bulk to save on shipping costs. Hope this helps!
I also have been looking for NON GMO chicken feeds and FINALLY found this site tonight: They JUST became Non GMO project certified in July! Hopefully you live some where close to a retailer b/c for us to ship in WI costs $19 per item! YIKES. We are thinking of taking a trip down there and buying massive bulk to save on shipping costs. Hope this helps!
I also have been looking for NON GMO chicken feeds and FINALLY found this site tonight: They JUST became Non GMO project certified in July! Hopefully you live some where close to a retailer b/c for us to ship in WI costs $19 per item! YIKES. We are thinking of taking a trip down there and buying massive bulk to save on shipping costs. Hope this helps! sells their feed too
In Lancaster, PA, you can get certified organic non-GMO grains from McGeary Organics (
A couple of months ago, we stopped buying chicken pellets and started feeding our layers and broilers cracked whole grains from McGeary and other ingredients from Countryside ( We purchased a Bravo grain grinder through Premier ( It will grind about 20 pounds of grain at a time. We make fresh batches a couple times a week

I buy organic chicken feed from Big Sky Organic Feed, Fort Benton, Montana. Others are right though - it is about twice as much $$ wise for the organic, than the regular feed, but since I don't trust our food production companies any more, I will buy organic and have the peace of mind that I am doing the best that I can for my family and my birds.

Here is the link:

Now, here is my question: WHERE can I buy NON-GMO meat-bird chicks, which means the parents must be fed non-gmo feeds.


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