Our Dog Was Shot

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Mountain Sunshine

10 Years
Oct 24, 2009
Cleveland, Georgia
On Thursday morning I let my dog out as normal to use the bathroom. He is usually really good about staying in our yard. He happened to wonder into the woods behind us and on the other side of the woods are a few houses. Now, I have to tell you that our Siberian Husky would NEVER harm anyone or anything. He is sooo sweet.
Anyway, I heard a shot and really didn't think anything of it. About 30 seconds later Shadoe was sitting at the front door. When I opened the door to let him in, He was leaving a blood trail in the living room. I grabbed him to see what happened and he was bleeding from both sides. The bullet went in the left side and out on the right.
I screamed for my husband and we took him to the vet. The bullet just missed his heart. It went through the rib cage and didn't damage the insides. He got lucky.

I was so devastaed that someone would do this to a dog. Granted he may have wondered into the woods, but to be shot for just going into someones yard just upsets me. We have strays come into our yard all the time and I would never think about killing them.

Shadoe stayed at the vets until Saturday and he is doing well. I am thankful he did not die. I love him so much, he is nearly 7 yrs old and we have had him since he was 7 weeks.

Just wanted to tell my story!
I am so sorry that you and your family had to endure this. You are blessed that he is doing as well as he is. Some people just don't value animals lives like we do.

I wish for only the best for your dog and your family.
So Sorry Shadoe
Sometimes your sweet dog can do things you wouldn't believe. We lost our favorite dog to a gunshot, and found out later he was chasing the neighbor's cows. I am very glad your dog is going to be OK. but it is your responsablity to keep him home. Look at the number of posts in the predator section that talk about the right to shoot dogs threatening your flock. I hope your dog was not guilty of this, but obviously, he is not safe off of your property. I know I sound hard, but I assure you it broke my heart to loose that dog, and if I had kept him home, it wouldn't have happened.
Oh, that's so terrible! What a horrible thing for someone to do! I would be so incredibly upset and angry if anyone shot my dogs. I'm glad he's doing all right, it's so lucky the bullet missed his heart. Hoping the best for a quick and easy recovery for Shadoe.
You may know that your pet would never harm anyone, but others do not know that. And quite frankly, many dogs behave in ways their owners would never imagine when they are out of sight. You need a fence to contain your dog. It is not someone else's responsibility to deal with him on their land--it is yours to control him--either in your yard or on a leash.
I completely understand that, and we do have a fenced in yard. Shadoe is a Siberian Husky and jumps like he is a deer! He can jump right over the fence. We are now going to a 8ft privacy fence rather than a 6ft chain link!
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