Our good Roo chased a fox


8 Years
Apr 21, 2013
I just thought I'd tell you about Romeo, our wonderful rooster. He is gentle with us and with his girls. He finds food for them and calls them over but never eats himself unless they don't want to eat or are finished eating the goodies. I had heard so much about roos ending up in the crock pot, something I could never do, because they are so mean that I was astonished that our roo was so nice.
Well, he is also a great protector. We have a lot of foxes were we live and a few weeks ago one came within 30 feet of the house. My husband heard a raucus and looked out the window to see Romeo chase the fox away from his girls and into the woods. The whole thing only took a few instants but Romeo was very effective.
He was given to us when we bought the hens and we don't know his background, only that he is a mutt.
We have converted a barn stall into a coop and close all the doors at night hoping that nothing will get in and get our chickens while they are asleep. They roost about 6 feet from the ground.
He won that round. My games may try to do same but fox will get its wits about it and come back and possibly go after rooster first. If fox is serious the rooster is in deep poopy. Use time rooster bought you to find away to content with threat fox poses.
There is not much we can do other than to keep the chickens in the barn all the time and they would not be very happy. I would opt for a shorter but happy life if I were a chicken. We see foxes every day at the edges of the woods and into the fields. My husband tries to shoot them but they're too fast. The dog is a good deterrent too.
If we're gone for the day and the dog will not be out we do keep them cooped up.
I have been in your boat before. I sucked it up and penned birds unless dog or myself was on duty. Keep a 4' wooden dowel or baseball bat out just in case fox decides to run birds while you are present. The fox will get real stupid by focusing on quarry making so you or dog will be able to get a real good crack at him. Tell everyone if you tag him but no one if you miss or hurt yourself or hit the wife's fancy planter.

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