our new avery ????


11 Years
Jul 13, 2009
Live Oak, FL
We are building an Avery for our new 1 year old pair of peafowl. It's 18 X 30 and covered. Wanted to put in the pen with them a pair each of quail, LA pheasants and dove.
Is there something wrong with this picture? Don't want to put birds together that are going to kill each other. Are there other birds that would be better for this?
I run my red ornamentals within the same breeding pen as my IB Peacocks. I have 11 India Blues total in the pen and about 5 ornamental pheasants. I also run my 4 Lady Amherst pheasants within my Purple peacock pen that has 6 peacocks total. I notice when I feed at night the peacocks will chase the pheasants away but after awhile they do intermingle at the feed bowl. Peacocks roosts at night on perches while the pheasants will perch someplace else or find a spot on the ground. If your smaller birds has a place to get away for "cover" where they can retreat to they should be fine. They may not get along "so to speak" but they will give each other a wide berth if they feel threatened. Your pen space seems plenty large enough for what your wanting to add.Pheasants are much quicker to fly if they have to compared to a peacock who seems to survey where they are going to fly to first.
In my breeding pen that is 18x40, I had a trio of peafowl and a red golden pheasant pair. The pheasants were chased 24/7 and I would find a bunch of plucked feathers every day. The pheasants would get bloody and had to learn to perch in the tree in the pen. I had to remove them. IT was mainly the peacock who chased them... Hopefully everything works for you!
If it doesn't work, the pen is for the Peacocks and the others can go back to their pens.
Just thought is would look good to see them together. Only have the roof for the covered end to put up before they can go in.
Then some odds & ends branches, hanging plants, nest boxes etc, Will post pictures when complete.
The peacocks are calmer than I expected. Have hatched 3 eggs and 1 more in bator.

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