Our new chicks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 13, 2012
Northeast Missouri
We're just starting out on our backyard chicken adventure. Right now our flock consists of 7 chicks (all named by my 5 year old daughter).

First is Rainbow. She is an Easter egger pullet. Very sweet and calm. Pictured at 12 days old.

Next is Tinkerbell, a Barred Plymouth Rock pullet. Also 12 days old. She's my daughter's favorite (although I'm not entirely sure the feeling is mutual, lol.)

My daughter wanted some feather-legged chicks, so we also have 3 Cochin bantams. They were straight run, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that at least one of them is a pullet! Being optimistic, they all have girl's names.

This is Sally, a buff Cochin bantam at 12 days old.

Next is Karina, a partridge Cochin bantam at 12 days old. She had a REALLY close encounter with our 18 year old cat her first night home. Somehow, the kitty managed to get through the cardboard box and open the cage the chicks were in. I had to remove Karina from her mouth, but, amazingly, she's been no worse for the wear.

Next is Julie, our black Cochin bantam, also 12 days old.

Last Friday, we picked up a couple more Easter egger chicks. No idea yet if these are boys or girls (they were in with the "Pan Fry Special").

So, we have Muffy (pictured at 5 days).

And Buffy. Also 5 days old.

I'm really enjoying reading all the stories on this forum!

Wow! Your chicken math is working great! How lucky you were able to save the chick from the cat. Good looking crew!

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