Our Roo, Lawrence, is a HERO!!!

What a showoff - standing up so tall - and he should too! I love the way you have your yard set-up. Is the rope visible from the street? Have people been asking about it? It looks like you're in a nice neighborhood. No problems with the neighbors?
Good for Lawrence!

I love roosters.

The rope is visible from the alley and side yard only. And yes a lot of people are curious, but for good reasons!
It's funny that it looks like a nice neighborhood!!!!! On the back side of the alley there are a few restored homes. We live on the edge of downtown and the historic district. But we are 1 block east of the most crime ridden, highest rate of "police-chases", gun fire heard at least once a week, and someone actually gets shot or stabbed once a month! But we are a novelty! And we decided our defense (if ever questioned)on being "illegal" is: when they rid the neighborhoods of prostitution and crack houses, then they can address our chickens! We are helping and not contributing to the poverty in this area and that is why we chose to live in this area. We give away (for free) eggs to the families in the area and we provide a "community" garden out front for anyone to pick from. We have 6 raised beds (4ftx8ft) of vegetables for the neighborhood folks to pick from.
So there is a lot of interest in what we have going on, but it is all for good reasons.
But, we are looking forward to going back to the farm next year! (Especially for the children!)

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