Oxine Question-Ducks


In the Brooder
Sep 9, 2019
New Jersey
I have a question about the Oxine that I have. I know you can mix 1/8 tsp per gallon of water for them to drink. Does that get into their system and help them with diseases such as respiratory when they drink? And does it have to be activated or non activated when you put it in water for them to drink? Also, could I put a solution into a spray bottle and have it mist over them for them to breathe in? If possible, how would I make a solution with a 24oz spray bottle? And does that have to be activated or non activated? This part confuses me and I don’t want to make a mistake. Thanks!
Oxine is extremely toxic to humans and animals when activated with citric acid. That concoction is only meant to deeply neutralize bacteria and viruses. It's deadly until it completely dries out, so never use it in duck water.

For preserving water quality, you mix 1/8 teaspoon of Oxine to one gallon of water. For misting over a bird with respiratory problems, mix 6 1/2 ounces of Oxine in one gallon of water, or reduce the proportions to make a quart of spray.

Oxine is completely safe when not mixed with citric acid and activated.

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