Partridge Rock Thread

I agree,..Poop Face does not look like a PR,...maybe a GLW,...but pretty sure not a PR, look at the different color pattern. My PR's are about 6 weeks old as of now. Out of 28 I started with I did lose 2, failed to thrive and the other I believe died from the heat. I have the 26 left and they are growing out very nicely. I have many roosters in this bunch,..I did buy a straight run. I am going to seperate them this week, roosters from hens,..and then I will decide what rooster or roosters to keep later. The other will be sold. Here is a couple of pictures of a few while eating today. They all are hiding out in the bushes or wherever they can find a cool spot today,...they are not concerned about having pictures taken. They are a very friendly bunch though,..much friendler than the ones I had from MM hatchery. They free range all day and I put them up at night and they have a bad habit of following us around when we are outside. They come and huddle around our feet, jump into our lap, and just chatter. Very nice babies.


Very nice. I will have pics of my older two which right now are getting all thier feathers in on back. They also show those light brown neck fuzz but I see the darker neck feathers coming in.

Out of my first batch hatching I have 4 right now keepers for sure of the pullets. They are wider across back which shows in the wider tail which is what I need. My males are looking good too Alpha real did produce well. I have 2 dozen eggs in bator now that Beta is sire of so I will get to see if he does any good with same hens. He has filled out nice now that he can eat and is not over ruff with hens. I have to grow out a few for a friend so I will see if keeping any to start another line will be worth it. If not I will pick some chicks up next year for that.
Pretty birds! I will have to post some newer photos of mine, they are about the same age and I can hardly tell yours from mine, but I'm a newbie. It would be good to point out differences. I wonder if mcmurray has been working on temperament, my 7 are all pretty cuddly. Except for the roo, who is friendly but doesn't want to be held. When I do hold him he squirms a little but hasn't tried to peck at me yet. He is the only rooster I have, so maybe well get some chicks.
OK as promised picuters of new coop and hatched chicks.

Chicks with mom that she hatched a it older than cooped chicks.

Sire of all hatched chicks Alpha

Beta and flock today

Taken in cloudy weather this morning.

Daphne at 8 weeks.


General Tsao at 7 weeks. (Meathead has been renamed to something a bit more stately.)


Nice pics, cybercat.
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Off-grid hen them are some nice birds! They do look so much like mine,..but I guess at that age they all look quite alike. The rooster is a nice looking one,..

Cybercat,..glad to hear your hatches are doing well and I love the new coop! That is real cute.

I am trying to sell my extra roosters right now,...I believe I have about 15! Still haven't had time to count them,..
Thanks! It'll be interesting to critique and compare hatcheries after they're full grown. I don't need show girls, just egg layers, but it's in the name of science!
I am new to BYC and also new to the Partridge Rock arena. I would love to be able to breed this type to the standard but have no idea where to start. I would love for somone to give me a starting point that I could focus on.

I will also try and put picture up of my PRs later.
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