Partridge Rock Thread

Beautiful. Can't wait til mine gets bigger.

3 months old....I think.
Where in ga are you? Did you get him direct from horstman? Got pictures?
I'm in Senoia GA. about 45 min south west of Atlanta. I did not get him directly from horstman, but purchased him from someone that did.
I think my roo is yours brother. I feel like we got them from the same perso if i remember correctly. They are just huge boys. I was looking at my roo today while i was feeding and he is hige next to his pullets. I have eggs in the bator developing soooooooo excited. I am getting 3- eggs a day now. I think i have anoit 12 pullets at pol with him. Hoping for some good things.
That is one old but nice rooster. I kept my old boy here as he has two gals with chicks. But I just gave my neighbor a trio to get rid of my second rooster. I now have 50+ chicks hatched. Second chick coop is being finished today. Tomorrow the 16 chicks in the house will be in it finally. My 24 chicks out in the other chick pen are growing well. We plan of having just a rooster pen this year later when I move the pullets to the main coop when they are big enough. Looking forward to some good eats later this year. LOL
I just lost one of my Barred Rock hens and would like to add a couple Partridge Rock chicks to my small poultry posse of 4 BO and now 1 BR. Has anyone in Calif gotten chicks from Calif Hatchery down in Yucaipa, CA? If so, how was your experience with them? They offer a 3 chick minimum which is why I'm considering buying from them. 8 hens would be the maximum my hen house can handle at this time and expanding it is not an option right now..
I just lost one of my Barred Rock hens and would like to add a couple Partridge Rock chicks to my small poultry posse of 4 BO and now 1 BR. Has anyone in Calif gotten chicks from Calif Hatchery down in Yucaipa, CA? If so, how was your experience with them? They offer a 3 chick minimum which is why I'm considering buying from them. 8 hens would be the maximum my hen house can handle at this time and expanding it is not an option right now..

I asked if there were any PR Breeders near you here:

Come by and say Hi!
My first project partridge rock eggs are in lockdown........fingers crossed tbey are not mutts. I had fence jumping by the german new hampshires about the same time they started laying. I had to try right? :) i know i have lots of hatching from that pen for awhile anyway.
Add 4 more to my count. i got into the coop today and opened the second broodies box that i put 2 chicks in. I knew she had some hatchling there but she had not left the box for me to see how many. She had 4 extra from the 2 I added and she still has 3 eggs in there. I will leave them for a few more days for I know the other hens I just gave away were jumping in her nest to lay. I might remove them and put them in incubator to let them hatch, will know tonight if she is not sitting on nest anymore more. So far she has been but after making her move she might not.
Add 4 more to my count. i got into the coop today and opened the second broodies box that i put 2 chicks in. I knew she had some hatchling there but she had not left the box for me to see how many. She had 4 extra from the 2 I added and she still has 3 eggs in there. I will leave them for a few more days for I know the other hens I just gave away were jumping in her nest to lay. I might remove them and put them in incubator to let them hatch, will know tonight if she is not sitting on nest anymore more. So far she has been but after making her move she might not.
She sounds like a great broody!

Congratulations on the chicks.

I can't wait to see pictures.

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