Pasty Butt Won't Come Off! Please Help!!!!

It will come off with either method, and lots of patience, like 10 or 15 minutes. Be sure to put some
Vaseline or Neosporin or anything similar on their butt after they are clean to help the next poop slide off more easil, as well as soothe and protect, and help heal if needed.
It sometimes takes a while. I use a soft cloth moistened with vinegar. As long as the vent isn't plugged you're OK.

Probiotics seem to prevent the pasted vent.
Ok thx I will get right to work!
Oh no! The one that I put under the running water earlier has dry poop all around her vent. If you lift the fluff a bit, Yo can see a patch of skin around her vent, too. I put some olive oil around he butt since the poop technically isn't actually in the vent. When I came out, there was a bit of wet poop on her butt, meaning she pooped but it didn't reach the ground. I don't know how to deal with her! She is a very jumpy chick and DOES NOT like to be held. I have started to just use damp q-tips to loosen up the poop. That worked for the other one and all of it came right off! But this little chick, well, I'm worried about her. What should I do???
Goop her up good with Neosporin or Bacitracin ointment if you have it, then handle her only enough to be sure her vent is open so poop can get out; leave any dried poop on her alone for now. And hope.

I would avoid
Qtips, wet cloths, etc. Their skiin is just too delicate to be rubbed with anything, IMO.

Always be sure any topical med does not have a "caine" drug in it, such as xylocaine, benocaine, cetacaine, etc.
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Sigh. Another one got pasty butt and it was just like me to pull fluff off of that one too. Now I have two little chicks picking at their butts. Ugh.
I usually use a paper towel soak it in warm water and you can drip the water onto the poop to get it softer to get off easier. Also, I usually try only to get enough to clear the vent -- it seems like the more times and longer you spend having to clean them the longer they keep it.

Also, a little ACV in the water should help :)

Good luck!
Thank you for the luck, this is very stressful for me since I am a first-timer. I have some ACV, but some people say it needs to be "with the mother". What does that mean? Because I don't think I have ACV "with the mother"... I can always go get some though.

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