Peachicks of 2016 photos -- Let's see the babies!!!

Does anyone sell fertile eggs here?

I sold some eggs this year when the girls were pouring it on but now they have slowed way down in the 95 degree heat or they are just coming to the end of their yearly cycle.
I have one pen that the peacock is losing his train but the girls have put a few eggs in the corner so I left them to see if they will go broody on them in the next week. If not, I will pop them under some Silkie hens but I have hatched over 20 pea chicks from that pen so far this year.
My purple split pen rarely is giving any eggs and my IB pen has seemingly stopped, the Bronze just are not laying well this year and I think they hate the pen. I need to move them. My others at my friend's house may be laying but the snakes are bad to get them before I do. I have set a few from them this year but it seems right now they have slowed way down. April is the best month here to get eggs.
A few days ago I had my first chick hatch from the Bronze pen. Hershey lost his hen, Godiva so all I have in Bronze for him is his 2 daughters. One appears to be a WE and I believe she is the the one that laid the egg my little fella hatched out of.
He had a hard time making an entrance into the world and I thought I lost him. He pipped half way around and stopped. About 8 hours later I checked under the Silkie hen but there wasn't any more pipping so I popped the cap off and put him in the incubator to dry off. He scooted backwards for 24 hours in there. I finally took him out and put him in a cup sling but he is strong and either kicked out of the cup or fell down in it. Poor mite, I peeled a lot of tape off of him because I was trying to keep him in there.
I have been messaging his abdomen, which still feels like a water belly. He has pooped a few times but is getting around better today. I put him on shavings in a box this morning with a Cochin chick and he is scooting around with it. He still can't walk but is using his legs as much as possible and of course, the wings.
I hope he survives as I am not sure the other eggs are going to hatch from that pen. I was hoping for a nice WE Bronze peacock but the best laid plans.....

I am super excited! I have 2 eggs due to hatch next week (started with 6, 2 never developed and 2 died in week 2) and 6 more in the bator that I set last week Friday (6/17). I also recently picked up 4 peachicks. one IB, one Dark pied, one pied, and one black shoulder chick. I have someone offering me 4 white peachicks but I haven't decided if I will pick those up yet. Currently away for work until next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the eggs don't hatch before I get home (they are due the day I return) because my husband is not bird savvy. lol. These are my first peachicks ever so I am soooo excited! I also have a dozen chickens, 6 Red Gold pheasants, a sun conure, 6 parakeets (plus one newly hatched baby), a cockatiel, and 2 Linnies. That's just the feathered side. We also have 4 cats and 3 dogs (2 boxers and a tiny 6lb mini doxie who is a chicken killer unfortunately). I am enjoying all the chick posts and the rest of the forum. Lots of great info! Happy Hatching everyone!
Kathy, I love how you weigh yours and keep up with them so well. As time goes on and I sell out of most of these bantam Cochins, I hope to have time to weigh my pea chicks like this and be able to keep up with weights better. Right now I am happy that I am keeping up with who is from whom and whether I have to keep it or need to sell it.
I am super excited! I have 2 eggs due to hatch next week (started with 6, 2 never developed and 2 died in week 2) and 6 more in the bator that I set last week Friday (6/17). I also recently picked up 4 peachicks. one IB, one Dark pied, one pied, and one black shoulder chick. I have someone offering me 4 white peachicks but I haven't decided if I will pick those up yet. Currently away for work until next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the eggs don't hatch before I get home (they are due the day I return) because my husband is not bird savvy. lol. These are my first peachicks ever so I am soooo excited! I also have a dozen chickens, 6 Red Gold pheasants, a sun conure, 6 parakeets (plus one newly hatched baby), a cockatiel, and 2 Linnies. That's just the feathered side. We also have 4 cats and 3 dogs (2 boxers and a tiny 6lb mini doxie who is a chicken killer unfortunately). I am enjoying all the chick posts and the rest of the forum. Lots of great info! Happy Hatching everyone!

Be sure to show pix when they hatch!
Kathy, I love how you weigh yours and keep up with them so well. As time goes on and I sell out of most of these bantam Cochins, I hope to have time to weigh my pea chicks like this and be able to keep up with weights better. Right now I am happy that I am keeping up with who is from whom and whether I have to keep it or need to sell it.
I'm dreading weighing the 12 I have right now, lol, but I'm trying to collect data on the amount of weight they lose after hatch, and when they start to gain weight.

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Train or no train, they will still trade and be fertile.

Gerald Barker
I Would like to nominate my hen "Lucy " for mother of the year. Once again she has managed to hatch her chicks despite my peeking and picture taking and general annoying nosiness. She hatched 4 of 6 eggs, 2 were duds.
. Of the 4 chicks, 2 appeared IB and 2 pied. But through no fault of her own, but for several unfortunate events,(a leaf blower right outside the henhouse for one), Lucy took her chicks out and hid them in the woods on night 3 -(normally she brings them back to the safety of the chicken pen at night), a coon got the 2 IB chicks-
I'm sure Lucy sat tight while the **** coon pulled them right out from under her, so she could protect the others. Anyway, this is why she should get Hen of the year. I have since banned leaf blowers from the property and Lucy once again brings the chicks in each night. Watching her teach her chicks, catch bugs and share them, stops mid stride to let the chicks catch a quick sun-nap, encouraging them with her "clucks" to come along, or warn them away from the cat and offering a safe wing to nestle under at bed time.


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