The Crazy Chicken Lady
Does anyone sell fertile eggs here?
I sold some eggs this year when the girls were pouring it on but now they have slowed way down in the 95 degree heat or they are just coming to the end of their yearly cycle.
I have one pen that the peacock is losing his train but the girls have put a few eggs in the corner so I left them to see if they will go broody on them in the next week. If not, I will pop them under some Silkie hens but I have hatched over 20 pea chicks from that pen so far this year.
My purple split pen rarely is giving any eggs and my IB pen has seemingly stopped, the Bronze just are not laying well this year and I think they hate the pen. I need to move them. My others at my friend's house may be laying but the snakes are bad to get them before I do. I have set a few from them this year but it seems right now they have slowed way down. April is the best month here to get eggs.