Peacock food

I, too, feed mine a gamebird feed. I also give them scraps just like I give my chickens. Things like lettuce, celery tops, potato skins, that sort of stuff. Their favorite treat is dog food and recently found that they also like cat food. They only get that as a treat. I'm not sure if its all that good for them so that's why they only get is as a treat. My Peas also love berries.
Yeah, mine love cat food!
I give them treats like lettuce and bread occasionally.
I just enjoy watching them try new things. They check out everything first... as if it's the most amazing thing they've ever seen.
My peas get gamebird pellets daily, and scratch a couple of times per week. During winter I'll also toss in some birdseed for the extra fat. They love my weekly trips to the produce department and are especially fond of red grapes, cantaloupe, organic kale, lettuce, cabbage, squash, pumpkin and raisins. They dance for unsalted peanuts and go crazy for white bread every few weeks. Mine like any dried fruit mix, too. Heck, there's not much they don't like except apples. I give them some cat food (they like the fish flavors best) about once a week because it has good omega-3 acids. Cat food is real high in protein though (higher than dog food), so watch how much you give them especially when they are under 6 months. A couple of friends give catfish pellets as treats, and that is real high protein too, around 36%. My birds also like carrot peels.

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