Peafowl 201: Further Genetics- Colors, Patterns, and More

They say :
"Purple male x Blue female = Blue split Purple males and Purple females
Purple female x Blue male = Blue split Purple males and Blue females

No female will ever be split to a sex-linked color, because they only need 1 copy to display the color. A female with the gene will always be the sex-linked color. I will use Purple again as my sex-linked color for an example."

Purple female x Blue male = Blue split Purple males and Blue females ... not correct !

With this cross ... Purple female x Blue male = Blue split Purple males and Blue females some females will be purple !
Female need only 1 copy to display the color . So, if there is NO female purple
it's because the Blue gene is dominant over the gene Purple?
Actually it is correct. The Purple is only found on the Z gene. Males can only give a Z gene. If the female gives out her Purple gene on the Z it's already a male. Females choose the sex in avians.
The female also gives Z gene to her peachicks.
The female Z gene can not be different from male Z genes!
I know. I'm saying if the female gives a Z gene to the chick it will be a male. If she gives the W gene, which won't carry the Purple gene, it will be a female, and then depend on the Z gene from the male to become a Purple.
This is how it makes sense to me:

The sex-linked traits are ones linked to the Z chromosome by both sexes but bc the female only has one Z, she can only carry 1 copy of the sex-linked trait. If to her offspring she gives a Z with the purple trait, she cannot also give W, so that chick would get another Z and be male. If the father is full IB, that is dominant over purple, so the chick would appear blue but carry (be split to) purple. If the mother gives W to her offspring, that would be matched up with the father's Z carrying blue, so the female chick would be blue.
The female also gives Z gene to her peachicks.
The female Z gene can not be different from male Z genes!

You are working from a human sex chromosome standpoint. In humans, the females are XX and the males are XY. It is the opposite in birds. Males are ZZ and females are ZW. Females never give their Z chromosome to their female offspring, only their W chromosome. Therefore, no sex chromosome linked color (such as purple) will ever transfer from a female parent to a female offspring- the father has no W chromosome to donate to offspring, so he must always be the one to give the daughter her Z chromosome, and thus her sex-linked color. Hope that helps!

Ps:(This is where I got confused when I learned, too, it took almost two weeks of arguing before someone realized no one ever told me birds were opposite)
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Now I'm sure ... it is possible to create a Blue silver pied peacock when I've only one Peacock silver Pied.
Father : a spalding silver pied .... mother : pied peahen with more white feathers as usual.

The cockerel will be 2 years and on the saddle we can see feathers 1/2 silver .

Bernard 81 ( french forum ) said :

"co dominance is said because P set with a normal Blue allele will give a Blue split P, along W (white) made with Blue will give a Blue carrier white . P and W are recessive mutations. But taken together they are expressed.
Thus, already the PW formula Pied , on which everyone agrees is a phenomenon of co dominance, so that two alleles of different colors and recessive, put together speak (so that they are recessive!) by generating individuals of a different color.
There is a similar case known in ringed parakeets and I produced at home (pallid associated with ino gives ino pallid. However alone these 2 mutations are fully recessive), that's why I can talk case in good subject knowledge.
The formula of silverpied would ultimately (PWE) W. one allele white eyes welded to the Pied allele that would operate as a single allele and one allele white (W).
It's a group of co-dominance (PWE) associated with W. "
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I think.....that there are two types of purple colors!

.... and it doesn't depend from where the light comes!

"The mother of the peach hen was the mutant Purple hen born in 1987.This first purple hen was mated to a cameo cock." legg's peafowl farm genetic .
Wich purple ?
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There are the Purple and the violeta colors. Both are purple but the Violeta is much darker and richer than the regular purple color. It's very hard to find quality Purple birds since they have become extremely inbred and have lost alot of their vitality and color. If you breed a spalding silver pied to an IB pied hen you won't get any spalding silver pied chicks since the hen would not contribute the necessary white eye gene.

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