Peafowl in the city


6 Years
Jul 25, 2013
I have 2 peafowl. I am hoping a male and female, They are both about 6 or 7 weeks old. I have them in a large pen (large enough for their present size). I have had them in there for about 2 weeks without letting them roam the yard. I have a large back yard with 3 or 4 20 foot trees, a 15 foot gazebo. I would say my yard has plenty of roaming room but certainly no exploring room. How long should I keep the peachicks in the pen till I let them out to roam? Will they stay in my back yard? I have neighbors on both sides of me. If you wish to see pics of my peafowl and yard I have them on face book under Rick Mullans. Love to make some nice friends too.
So will they stay? Please give me advice and tips on making this work. I also have 4 ducks, 3 ducklings, and 1 gosling
Can City Peacocks have a jet set life in the desert of Phoenix AZ
OH and are Peacocks like to find their way home after expolring?
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I have 2 peafowl. I am hoping a male and female, They are both about 6 or 7 weeks old. I have them in a large pen (large enough for their present size). I have had them in there for about 2 weeks without letting them roam the yard. I have a large back yard with 3 or 4 20 foot trees, a 15 foot gazebo. I would say my yard has plenty of roaming room but certainly no exploring room. How long should I keep the peachicks in the pen till I let them out to roam? Will they stay in my back yard? I have neighbors on both sides of me. If you wish to see pics of my peafowl and yard I have them on face book under Rick Mullans. Love to make some nice friends too.
So will they stay? Please give me advice and tips on making this work. I also have 4 ducks, 3 ducklings, and 1 gosling
Can City Peacocks have a jet set life in the desert of Phoenix AZ
OH and are Peacocks like to find their way home after expolring?
One of mine did not, had to go looking for him and now he has to live locked up.

Well No, I mean mine have all this room and I still have to keep my eye on them, they ain't like other kinds of yard birds, they will go where the action is not away from it , so they can get into trouble in town real ,real fast.. sorry but to keep them safe and keep you sane keep them penned.

If I kept them penned, would I be able to let them out during the day and herd them back into the pen at night? OR must they always stay in the pen?
If I kept them penned, would I be able to let them out during the day and herd them back into the pen at night? OR must they always stay in the pen?
I'm on seven acres and when I have five of my yearlings out I have to keep a constant eye on them or risk having them hop the fence and get lost or shot. All of my older peas have to stay locked up because they are always looking on the other side of the fence and hopping over, even with clipped wings.

If I kept them penned, would I be able to let them out during the day and herd them back into the pen at night? OR must they always stay in the pen?
Maybe but the first time they fly up into a tree you have lost the battle before it starts , they may go in for ya at first but once they get comfy you won't be getting them back in that pen, I know I crawled up on my roof a couple time trying to get my first wee peas down , ya know what they sleep in the trees now but to this day they still go into a pen to chill if I leave one open during the day, crazy birds. Oh and if they fly up on your gazebo and see whats going on next door they might just go for a visit

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