Peahen and chicken chicks.


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 8, 2012
I raise chickens and I have two peafowl. One male and one female. My chicken chicks are to young yet to be out in the coop yet so I have them in the house but every day I take them outside so they can start getting used to the outside. They are in a small cage. When I take the cage outside my Peahen comes running to see them. I will let her come over to the cage to check them out and she will stand by the cage just looking at them. She has never pecked at them. Just looks at the them. She is curious. My question is, would a Peahen take care of chicken chicks if she were to hatch them out. I have seen chickens raise ducks and other types of birds but never a Peahen raising chicken chicks.
I raise chickens and I have two peafowl. One male and one female. My chicken chicks are to young yet to be out in the coop yet so I have them in the house but every day I take them outside so they can start getting used to the outside. They are in a small cage. When I take the cage outside my Peahen comes running to see them. I will let her come over to the cage to check them out and she will stand by the cage just looking at them. She has never pecked at them. Just looks at the them. She is curious. My question is, would a Peahen take care of chicken chicks if she were to hatch them out. I have seen chickens raise ducks and other types of birds but never a Peahen raising chicken chicks.

I think she might be trying to adopt them. I've given2 or 3 chicken chicks to a broody chicken hen and she takes them in and treats them as her own. I'm sure a peahen would do the same but peahens expect their peachicks to fly up and roost with them so there could be a problem later on.

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