Peep my poop board ;) Would love your thoughts....


10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Central FL
I've got a brand new coop and I'm finishing off the interior. (I didn't make it.... a friend made the coop for me, but the hubs and I are doing finishing touches, painting, etc). The poop board isn't exactly what I requested, so I'm not sure if it needs to be modified at all. I do want to put Sweet PDZ on poop board so I assume I'll need a lip on the front. Maybe the back area where you can see the 2x4s should be closed in with a long skinny piece of plywood?? And I do plan on putting stick-down linoleum tiles on the poop board.

Also - the roost bar seems a bit too high? Thoughts on that? Should I lower it so it's closer to the poop board? I want to make it removable (currently it's nailed in). I'm not sure how to make it stable for the hens, but yet easy for me to remove for cleaning.

THANKS! I welcome your ideas!!!

(BTW, I'll post pics of the coop when it's in place. It's about 2x bigger than I asked for - LOL. I only have 2 hens (although I want 3 more) but I clearly have room for about 50 LOLOL.

I'm not sure how to make it stable for the hens, but yet easy for me to remove for cleaning.

Just take the nails out. Then nail small blocks of wood on both sides of the 2x4 on each end. Then it is removable for easy cleaning. Good luck with you new coop. It looks great.
You will definitely want a lip all the way around to hold the Sweet PDZ in place. I agree that you will want to cover the exposed studs with plywood - probably all the way up past where the chickens bums will be - don't want them pooping down the space in between the studs and plywood! I don't know that your roost is too high. It looks ok to me. When I first started using a roost and poop board (with young, inexperienced chickens) they were a little confused. Three of them slept on the roost, and three of them slept on the poop board directly beneath the three on the roost! They have all now transitioned to the roost - so problem solved!

BTW, I love, love, love my poop board and Sweet PDZ! My chicken coop smells great - no poop smell at all. It just has a dry, pine shaving kind of smell. I also sprinkled some Sweet PDZ on the floor (not a lot) under the pine shavings. No odor or wetness at all.

You'll definitely need some more chickens! Who doesn't?
One of the considerations for the height of the roost is the kind of chickens you plan on having. Chickens always seem to want to roost as high as they can, but if you have large, heavy breed hens, they come down pretty hard once they are full size and weight. I had a ladder type roost setup, and my girls (7 week-old pullets when they first entered the coop) generally hopped and flapped from the bottom up to the very top at night, but in the morning, they just jumped down into a fairly small landing area. As they got older and heavier their dismount, displaced all the shavings and they landed with a loud thump. I ended up disassembling the roost ladder to remove the top roost. It was much more difficult and unpleasant to work inside the coop after the chickens had been living in it for a few months than when it is new, clean and free of dust and poop.
Thanks for the suggestions. We bought plywood yesterday and a 1x2 for a lip on the front and sides :)

I have a BO and a BR and want 3 more pullets but so far have been completely unsuccessful at finding new chickens.... Lol. Figures, right? Have the worlds biggest coop and can't get anymore chickens!!!!!!

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