Pekin Duck Club!

Bell seems to be doing a little better today. She is standing a little longer and with a little more balance than she was. My husband said I'm spoiling cause it's like she is at her own private spa. She is enjoying it though.
progress is beginning to show with Riley, tonight for the first time in a long while I was able to sit down with them and pet him. he even went as far as to fall asleep on me, something he hasn't done since he's been acting up. I know there is still quite a lot of progress to be made, but I am happy to have seen my boy back to how he used to be, even if it was only for a little while. For those of you who gave me advice on how to deal with his behavior, thank you♡
this is my girl puddles playing with my son and ho is her preferred human. She was originally mine but she has well and truly chosen him, She follows him absolutely everywhere and frets if he goes out of sight in the slightest. She truly is the most incredible pet I've ever owned
Love her to bits and we also have a Muscovy but she has imprinted on my cat and her kittens and thinks she's a cat I'm sure
progress is beginning to show with Riley, tonight for the first time in a long while I was able to sit down with them and pet him. he even went as far as to fall asleep on me, something he hasn't done since he's been acting up. I know there is still quite a lot of progress to be made, but I am happy to have seen my boy back to how he used to be, even if it was only for a little while. For those of you who gave me advice on how to deal with his behavior, thank you♡
That is awesome . Just remember it's a consistent owner that makes a great drake. Your doing an awesome job with him!!
Well all the tlc has done wonders with my Bell. She is now walking more. I have decided to keep her in for the rest of winter and continue the treatment I've been giving her. I have went down to letting her soak in the tub to once a day now. She has got so used to getting in the tub the same time every day that if I am late she gets all loud as if to remind me.
Well all the tlc has done wonders with my Bell. She is now walking more. I have decided to keep her in for the rest of winter and continue the treatment I've been giving her. I have went down to letting her soak in the tub to once a day now. She has got so used to getting in the tub the same time every day that if I am late she gets all loud as if to remind me.
That is great news @fancychick1 She is looking forward to her spa treatments. I am so happy for you that she is doing good.

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