Pekin Duck Club!

Hi all! I am a new Pekin momma. I have a question if you dont mind. I will start off with tell you about my babies, I aquired two grown drakes, Laffy and Taffy, about mid March. We decided we would get them some girlfriends and in late April we got our 6 wk old girls, Ying and Yang. The boys were fine with the girls until about a month ago. Laffy and Taffy got really aggresive and wond up breaking Ying's leg. We have had them separated since then but Yang the unhurt girl is now showing interest in my boys. She runs around in front of them and waves her little white butt at them and I think she wants to breed but I am absolutely TERRIFIED. To introduce them. I know I only want to introduce one Drake to her but I dont know how to go about it or if she is even ready. Any advice is much needed. I love all the pics of everyones Pekins. I love my babies even tho they are not tame but still very sweet to watch..

If she is showing interest, I think, there needs to be just one boy to a girl. You need to bring her to him or the other way, and stay with them. Watch over her and see what happens, other than what we think
Should things go bad be prepared to break it up, but I would be w/ them for the day but that's me. Good luck! Keep us in touch!
We love peas...we should take up stock in some sort of frozen pea co. lol Since I started w/ then it has helped the boys 5 fold. They are still scared of us but at least in the afternoon they let us come into their pen and feed then. I have started serving everyone the fermented feed-ff. It does not look like it's a hit but I will wait an see. I could only come up w/ a 5 gal. plastic bucket so I cut the recipe down to fit. The next day (today) it bloomed! We'll wait an see. Since the raccoon took away 2 of my hens, yesterday I added 6 more chicken! I went down to purchase 2 Wyandottes from a fellow BYC member that I found on this net. But when I got there I ended up coming home w/ 5! Hubby knew I would, he had told my sons that I would come home w/ more so he had packed 2 cat carriers into one! Men, or my hubby, their keepers!
I started feeding my flocks (10 ducks, 15 11-1/2 week-old chicks, 3 7-1/2 week old broiler chicks) the fermented feed, last week. The ducks took to it in no time, and actually can't wait for me to put their pans down to chow down. It's gone within a few minutes. The chickens, they get a pan for each age (the older ones get dry feed, too, to snack on) and since they eat at will, they will wipe it out by the end of the day. They eat it before they eat the dry feed.
Thank you Laci7210 for responding. You are right, they really wouldn't do without one another. If one drinks the other drinks. If one moves, the other moves. They love love love each other and I hope nothing happens to either of them cause it would so sadden the other! I found last week that mine too, love love peas. I will try getting them to eat from my hand and go from there. Jäger is dominant and will somewhat, Meister I have to corral to a corner to pick up and she is not happy at that. I know my neighbors are hooting and hollering watching me chase these gals around with little success.

Still hoping someone could help me with sexing... they don't "honk" at all and just do quiet talk mostly. Thanks!
Don't know if anyone answered your questions about sexing... sounds like you have two drakes. By this time, the hens would definitely be quacking, and the drakes have a raspy voice. I have 4 pekins that are the same age as yours, and I have one drake with a drake feather already, and the hens don't, but they quack so loud I can hear them in the morning when I wake up in my bedroom. I also have 6 rouens the same ages, but my 2 drakes there don't have their drake feathers yet; however, their heads are already getting the green feathers of the drakes, so I know they're drakes... their tail feathers are also darker than the hens, who are of lighter coloring.
how do you tell if your duck is male or female have two one young 4 months one about 2 yrs old
if neither one of them have a single feather on their tails that curl, then you have two females. Also, by their voices... do they quack loudly? If so, you have females. If they're raspy, then you have males.
I too getting unhappy! I wax trying to figure out my 2, and am beginning to think they are drakes as well! So sad cause I surely want daily eggs. Mine talk alot, but don't really quack and they are exactly 12 weeks tomorrow. No curl on a tail feather yet so I guess I gotta wait a nit longer. Jus my luck to get 2 boys out of about 30 in a pen to choose from!
When exactly will the eggs start showing up if I do have a hen??
Hens start laying at around 24-25 weeks, on average.
Hi all! I am a new Pekin momma. I have a question if you dont mind. I will start off with tell you about my babies, I aquired two grown drakes, Laffy and Taffy, about mid March. We decided we would get them some girlfriends and in late April we got our 6 wk old girls, Ying and Yang. The boys were fine with the girls until about a month ago. Laffy and Taffy got really aggresive and wond up breaking Ying's leg. We have had them separated since then but Yang the unhurt girl is now showing interest in my boys. She runs around in front of them and waves her little white butt at them and I think she wants to breed but I am absolutely TERRIFIED. To introduce them. I know I only want to introduce one Drake to her but I dont know how to go about it or if she is even ready. Any advice is much needed. I love all the pics of everyones Pekins. I love my babies even tho they are not tame but still very sweet to watch.
They are in competition over the girls - ideally you should have about 3 girls to 1 drake. One way to tell she is wanting to breed is if she goes "flat" on the water - that's a sign of submission as ducks like to mate in the water. You will definitely want to keep an eye on them until you either add more girls OR rehome one of your drakes as if they are being that aggressive over the 2 girls, they could potentially down them. Maybe do slow and supervised introductions with them for a bit?

Is my duck a drake?
Looks like a girl to me! Does she quack loud?

Love the contrast of those pretty girls and boys!

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