Pekin Duck Club!

Oh boy, I need help, peeps! My seven-week-old Jumbo Pekin, Abbey-Beak, has pneumonia symptoms! I ordered the medication that she needs from AllBirdProducts, but it'll be a few days before I can get it and start administering it to her! Stupid me! I've been taking my indoor ducks outside from a nice, warm house into this fall weather and letting them play in the water! Her breathing is so labored and heavy today that I can only imagine how worse it may be by the middle of the week when her meds get here!! Somebody please tell me she's going to be okay for these next few days and then throughout the medication process! Or what?
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Oh boy, I need help, peeps! My seven-week-old Jumbo Pekin, Abbey-Beak, has pneumonia symptoms! I ordered the medication that she needs from AllBirdProducts, but it'll be a few days before I can get it and start administering it to her! Stupid me! I've been taking my indoor ducks outside from a nice, warm house into this fall weather and letting them play in the water! Her breathing is so labored and heavy today that I can only imagine how worse it may be by the middle of the week when her meds get here!! Somebody please tell me she's going to be okay for these next few days and then throughout the medication process! Or what?
Poor girl. Keep her inside, as still as possible, and warm. Will be hoping and praying that she has no problems till the meds arrive and that she recovers quickly. Good luck
Oh boy, I need help, peeps! My seven-week-old Jumbo Pekin, Abbey-Beak, has pneumonia symptoms! I ordered the medication that she needs from AllBirdProducts, but it'll be a few days before I can get it and start administering it to her! Stupid me! I've been taking my indoor ducks outside from a nice, warm house into this fall weather and letting them play in the water! Her breathing is so labored and heavy today that I can only imagine how worse it may be by the middle of the week when her meds get here!! Somebody please tell me she's going to be okay for these next few days and then throughout the medication process! Or what?
Do you have vitamins? I would put poultry vitamins in her water to strengthen her immune system. If you do herbal things, consider a drop or two of oil of oregano in her food - it is supposed to be a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

And it may have nothing to do with her outdoor walks. Look closely in her shelter, see if there is anything moldy. Also, it could be she picked up a virus. If either of those is the case, antibiotics won't do much other than possibly prevent secondary infection.

One person I am aware of with a duck with a respiratory problem has used oil of oregano in a humidifier.

Take a look at this, too.
Well, my little Abbey-Beak's pneumonia "symptoms" suddenly disappeared the next day. She was having some temporary respiratory issues and I wonder if they're connected to the chemicals that I use to keep the duck area clean. I always make sure to rinse their bin out properly after using detergents, but I use Lysol aerosol spray sometimes and I wonder if she was having a reaction to it. Birds are very sensitive to these types of chemicals, I understand. I don't know what to think, but pneumonia meds are on the way in the mail anyway because I had already ordered them.
Well, my little Abbey-Beak's pneumonia "symptoms" suddenly disappeared the next day. She was having some temporary respiratory issues and I wonder if they're connected to the chemicals that I use to keep the duck area clean. I always make sure to rinse their bin out properly after using detergents, but I use Lysol aerosol spray sometimes and I wonder if she was having a reaction to it. Birds are very sensitive to these types of chemicals, I understand. I don't know what to think, but pneumonia meds are on the way in the mail anyway because I had already ordered them.

Since ducks (like kids) seem to take sick at night, on weekends and holidays, no harm in having pneumonia meds in the first aid kit. Because of their sensitivity to things, I clean out their area with vinegar and sometimes follow that with hydrogen peroxide. If I am concerned about the area near them getting moldy, I use a few drops of tea tree oil in vinegar, and spray while they are outside, and air out the room well. I don't use pine shavings if they smell heavily of pine resin. I let them air out under cover outdoors first.

And it could have been a one-day virus.
Hi, I love the "Pekin Duck Club". Just wanted to say: I have one fabulous Pekin Duck! She loves to hang out with our 2 yr old black lab. Together they hunt frogs, grasshoppers and drink from the same water bucket. Our dog, "Piper" keeps cats away from our Pekin, "Dodger" (we kept her name even though she turned out to be a girl). Our 9 month old Pekin is so smart and understands a huge list of words we say.
Another reason to own a Pekin: I've read they lay an egg every day for 200 days (sometimes 225 days). Our duck has faithfully laid an egg for months- even on cold days, which I worried would cause her to stop laying. HURRAY PEKIN DUCKS!
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Your info is a HUGE help. Thanks so much!

Since ducks (like kids) seem to take sick at night, on weekends and holidays, no harm in having pneumonia meds in the first aid kit. Because of their sensitivity to things, I clean out their area with vinegar and sometimes follow that with hydrogen peroxide. If I am concerned about the area near them getting moldy, I use a few drops of tea tree oil in vinegar, and spray while they are outside, and air out the room well. I don't use pine shavings if they smell heavily of pine resin. I let them air out under cover outdoors first.

And it could have been a one-day virus.
Amiga, I agree with you. The only place I ever use the Lysol spray is in the bottom of the nesting boxes and that then gets covered with 5 inches of shavings, when dry. I too will use white vinegar or bleach and water to spray roost and floor before adding the shavings back into the buildings. This is only with my chickens as I have Marek's in my flock and Lysol dose kill the Marek's virus. With the ducks and geese, the strongest I have ever used was 1/4 cup of bleach to 3 gallons of water and that was hosed out after an hour of soaking. I think the less with the ducks the better. With their body temps running so high as it is, they don't need too many added things in their enviroment. Plain barn lime sprinkled on the floor before bedding is put down is a very good way of keeping the undesireables down to a dull roar in MHO.
My Pekins I have pics of on here quite a ways back are parents now...
. Hatched yesterday.

...more working on their shells now.

This is my first time trying to hatch ducks and it has been great fun! This little one pipped Sunday. I was nervous for 2 whole days almost before it hatched...

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