Pekin Duck Club!

I have niacin I'm putting in their water and I have Brewers yeast coming from Amazon in a few days that I will be putting on their food. They got electrolites and probiotics in their water for their first 3 days at home which is what the lady at tractor supply told me to do because they had just come in that same day I got them. Should I still be using that stuff plus niacin or is just the niacin and Brewers yeast ok?

I've never had any issues with ducks before. And I've never given any of mine niacin besides what is already in their food so I'm new to this stuff so to speak.
It seems there is almost always one that is a little behind and adding some extra vitamins may help him catch up. The niacin is only B3 and the Brewers yeast has B vits in it so adding some extra vitamins shouldn't hurt at all. Try them on it for a 3 to 4 days and see if you notice any difference.I would also use either or on the brewers yeast and Niacin , you could switch back and forth but I haven't ever heard of using both at the same time.. How is this lil one doing with eating . Does it have a good appetite interacting with the other ducklings?

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