Pekin Duck Club!

Morning everyone, is it alright if I just jump in with a problem I need help with?
For the foot we had one little one on here if you can find the picture. She made little shoes out of a plastic lid to support the feet ( foot) you can also try.
that was me



she is walking faster, she still is pigeon toed
I don't know if he would appreciate little shoes but ill take a look and see if I can find the pic. Would that even remotely correct his pigeon toed-ness.
that was me. i just traced her feet on a sour cream lid & used paper tape to attach them. be careful when removing the tape it sticks very well.
Im going back to bed. i only got 3-4 hous sleep so far, then my pekin/Ali woke me up for some cuddle time, then i got on BYC site...
oh no... my dh just brought me a cup of coffe... i really want to go back to bed... please can i, huh? huh? huh?
Im going back to bed. i only got 3-4 hous sleep so far, then my pekin/Ali woke me up for some cuddle time, then i got on BYC site...
oh no... my dh just brought me a cup of coffe... i really want to go back to bed... please can i, huh? huh? huh?
Aww go ahead but we'll miss you!
New here, still trying to figure out how to post questions. I hope this is right... so my family and I own 2 gorgeous Pekins (somewhere between 4-6 weeks old). My question is.. do your Pekins purr while being pet or nudge your hand wanting to be pet more? I can't find anything on Google about ducks actually "purring" or vibrating. Are they really purrin/showing affection or is just something they do regularly (without being pet)?

I have read several times of ducks purring and vibrating when being shown affection.
that was me. i just traced her feet on a sour cream lid & used paper tape to attach them. be careful when removing the tape it sticks very well.
Do you think this could help our adult female Pekin? We received her when she was already 18 months old and she is pigeon toed...would love to help her if at all possible.
My 5 week old pekin (darkwing) has declared his/her self alpha over the rest of the flock. The flock being 8 3 week old chicks. Well my husband brought home 3 new day old chicks and 1 day old (I believe runner duckling. I'll post photo). The 8 chicks aren't having a problem with the new additions. They curious but not mean. However Darkwing is being a total jerk. Nipping at them and chasing them. What shoukd I do I don't want them hurt. I want them apart of the flock

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