Pekin Duck Club!

I have one duck trying to come out of shell. She/ he so slow at it. It's not enough to help yet. Hope she or he makes it in my incubator

Gotta love that pekin personality
These 2 have imprinted so heavily on me I hate leaving them! They peep whenever I leave. They follow me around and sleep right by my face
. I'm getting 2 younger ducklings today so they won't be so lonely.

Zoey is J.E.A.L.O.U.S
I can't keep up with what I say on which threads, so I will tell you guys now. My brother-in-law died last Sunday (Flu) and someone took the ducklings while I was away. One did pass away the first night, but we aren't sure why. I must be honest, I have not taken the time to figure out which one. I keep meaning to, but just haven't.
The five remaining ducklings are outside in the coop without any heat. I must say I am amazed that at three weeks old, they have been fine. I check on them until about midnight, and I am awake by about six. They are always sleeping when I check on them. The other chickens in the coop, or maybe the other two ducks, are always managing to get the ducklings out of the brooding area. The duckling spend their day lounging around just outside of the run. Since everyone else is free ranging, the run door is open. I look out for the ducklings several times a day, but the rest of the flock watches over them as well. I have a video of one of the ducklings attacking Jojo. While Lily and JoJo were eating meal worms out of their water bowl, the ducklings came over to investigate. One of the ducklings was being rude apparently, because Jojo corrected it. It didn't like being corrected, so it bopped JoJo back in the bill. A few minutes later, I saw Jojo correct that duckling again for something else. The duckling took off after JoJo, getting him in the side. Seeing a big huge drake, and a tiny little duckling run after it, is hysterical. These ducklings are fearless. They were actually scaring the heck out of the entire flock a few days ago.
Hmm, I'd say buff, because of her bill and color but I could be wrong. I asked for a normal buff from Ideal Poultery, got a Brown Crested Buff... Ah well and what are those GORGEOUS ducklings in the background?!?! I must know! Need to get some!
The one in that picture is the crested Cayuga. She is so pretty.
The buff/pekin is lightening up, go figure. You can't tell much different in her color now. I had at first thought maybe there was enough of her down to make it LOOK like she was buff. I am not sure now. Guess I'll have to wait! LOL

This is the "mob", as we call them, at 3 weeks old. They are now 7 weeks old. The one on the far left and far right (with her head down) are the Cayuga, the other two black were supposed to be blue Swedish (I think I got black Swedish). We call the 5 ducklings the "mob" because of the way they approach the adults, they overwhelm the adults with their numbers! They rush up to them and scare the wits out of the older ones! Funny to watch.
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