Pekin Duck Club!

Hi, I lurk around here once in awhile, but this spring I acquired 2 Pekin ducks, I saw this and wanted to join the club!

My neighbor works at TSC and told me they had a duckling come in with only one eye! She asked me if I would take it. (I have had chickens for years, but never ducks.) She gave me the one eyed one plus another duckling to keep it company.

I named one Jack (as in a one eyed Jack) and the other Diane, although I have no idea what sex they are. The are now about 3 months old.

That was so nice of you to give Jack a loving home!!
I got 2 pekin ducklings from the feed store! I named them Pip and Squeak
I also have a khaki campbell duck named Belle!

Welcome! Great name set :D
Why didn't you tell me they would get so big. At 7 weeks (the same as my chicks) they are bigger than anyone in the flock, and my Anconas are huge. Still Sissys, though
They won't go out to free range and only run up to me when I have a bowl of peas. One is a bit larger than the other and has a much darker shade of orange in its' beak. Is that how you sex them? With all the commotion going on in the coop lately, It's hard to keep track of time. When I went back in to watch The Simpsons I realized I never even checked for eggs
"The great thing about Alzheimer's, you meet new people everyday" - Ronald Reagan

Hah I should have told you that people confuse Soleil with being a goose because of how big she is lol.
Pekin Duck Club Members List

animalfreak- Bonnie & Clyde
AmberRex- Harvey, Ellen, Bubbles, Pebbles, Bath, Waddle, Splash and the Loudly 9 Ducklings
Apyl- Po, Ducky Mo Mo, Axel
aStalkerNearYou- Launchpad McQuack and Princess FluffyButt
BarredRockGirls- Charlotte,Webber & Cookie
Bill B
bindy003- Daisy, Daphinie and Donald
Blondiega1- Tweety, Taz, Jmatt, Ming Ming, Largo, Montego, Ginger, MaryAnn
bluemountaingal- Percy & Piper
bpendleton77- Wheezy and Waddles
Brittany B
Caitlin2013- Aflac, Kelso, Pedro, and Bon Jovi
calmwinds- Aflac 2 & Twitty Bird
Carebearsmiles- Scooter
Chicken Lady 4- Donald, Jadis and Odette
chickery-do- Skylar & Samus
Chickiemommie87- Sally & Waddlesworth
chicks4fun- Ducky & Pappa
countrygirl74- Yangtze & Ping
Crystinek- Peck
DenverDucky- Soleil
duckins- Aflac James, Bitsy Lewis, and Hermen Wayne
ducklover87- Chloe, Cheese, Goose and Aflac
Duck Owner
emilee427- Pinky, Nibbles "Nibs", and Muddy
farmer boy- Bobby
Farmer Hank
golfdiva- Jack & Diane
Graceful Acres- Gertie, Slappy and babies
Green Liver- Quack-Quack
I gotDucks
jclu16- Eyebrow & Houdini
jenniferlaustin- Pop & Tart
jessiew33- Nugget
Jharper- Bill, Bonita & Fonita
jlquick30- Ming-Ming & Silly
Jmanvanatta- Marcelene, Jake and Bubblegum
Jmurph- Flip & Flop
johari- Jemima
JonBoy7- Sam-I-Am
kendradillion- Puddles
kodster- Duck Mama of 6 Jumbo Pekins and 6 Rouens
Laci7210- Pip & Squeak
leishajane- Pebbles & Bam Bam
littlechick8- Rador & Tailfeathers
lorid- Lucky, Duddles, and Quackers
LoveDucks- Bonnie & Clyde
LuckyDucky4- Sydney, Sheldon, Gabby and Quinn
lyzyrrd- Quackers
mandycarlo- Roadrunner, Speedy, Daffy and Lucky
markschicks- Daisy & Lily
mickeymousears- Hedwig
misschickenlittle- Ernie, Kauro, Leslie
Mommysongbird- Ping & Pong and Ying & Yang
Nickeechickee- Aflac
Peaducken- Lily and Eugene
PekinMommy- Pickles & Puddles
PingTN- Ping
randallt1- Amelia & Gladys
Robbo- Peepers aka Howard
Roxysmydog- Scrooge & Webbigael
rubberduckies- Puddle
sapphireblu76- Lucky Duck, Duck Duck and Cry Baby
SixximusPrime- Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dumb
starlingsbaby- Romeo & Juliet
sydneylynn4- George & Jemima PuddleDuck
The Howards- Butterscotch
Tlammy- Eeni, Meeni, Mini and Mo
theprussia4- Donald and Daisy
twiglette- Linus
VioletBlueIvy- Aflack and Ducky
WindDancer- Lucy, Linus, Pepperment Patty, Woodstock, Pig Pen &?
Younger- Miss Daisy & Fat Albert/Alberta
zbraswell92- Guy
zzack354- Truffles, Skittles, Twix, Godiva, Praline and Bubbles
2colegroves- Howard, Daisy, Mitzi and Feisty Jen
3acres- Piggy, Pistachio and Pipsqueak
7alpples- Matilda, Gus, Jemima, Sammy, Devil Duck and Lillyann
7chicks- Jack & Rose
Do you mean for fermenting feed??? It kind of depends on how many birds you have but I currently am feeding 19 chickens and 4 ducks using 1 5-gallon bucket... This is the way I like to do it... 1 5-gallon (food-grade) bucket 1/4 cup unpasteurized apple cider vinegar "with the mother" 2 T. plain Kefir or plain yogurt Feed to fill bucket about 1/2 to 3/4 full (I prefer mash, but crumbles or your own homemade grain feed may be used) Water to fill bucket 1-2 inches above feed (I don't use the water from my sink as it's chlorinated and I want certain good bacteria to grow) Long-handled plastic strainer spoon (plastic - do not use metal) Add feed and water as needed - stir daily "with the mother" is labeled right on the bottle but here's a couple of info bites on it: Mother of vinegar is a slime composed of a form of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that develops on fermenting alcoholic liquids, which turns alcohol into acetic acid with the help of oxygen from the air. The mother is made up of the yeasts and fermentation byproducts that are produced when the cider ferments to vinegar, and you should shake the bottle up to evenly distribute it before you use it. The big commercial companies filter it out, because it makes the vinegar look like it's growing something--which indeed it is!
Does it matter what type of feed you use? I have mine on unmedicated starter grower crumbles I'm not sure if i can use this. I have almost a full 50 lb bag left and don't want to waste it. Can the chickens eat fermenTed feed too? And Does the fermentation cause niacin production.
Hi, I lurk around here once in awhile, but this spring I acquired 2 Pekin ducks, I saw this and wanted to join the club! My neighbor works at TSC and told me they had a duckling come in with only one eye! She asked me if I would take it. (I have had chickens for years, but never ducks.) She gave me the one eyed one plus another duckling to keep it company. I named one Jack (as in a one eyed Jack) and the other Diane, although I have no idea what sex they are. The are now about 3 months old.
Welcome and Good on you for taking in a disabled ducky! Hope he does well!
Here are my 6. They are a little over 8 weeks old. It seems that I have 3 drakes and 3 females. I am getting a bit nervous about the ratio.
i have always been told that once ducks get there feathers drakes will have one feather to curl up in its tail and females do not and as far as i have ever been it is true and i have been around alot of ducks in my time
How fun! I haven't done this with my 2 ducks yet but I want to! I am looking for a local person who breeds minnows or feeder fish.
I'm fortunate, I have several fishing ponds/lakes nearby loaded with minnows. All I have to do is scoop them up! But I haven't actually gone to do it, because my ducks just discovered peas! OMG! They wouldn't come too close to me, except when I brought their feed in. I had a can of peas with dinner last night, and my husband hates most canned vegetables, so I split the peas with the ducks. I took the peas out to their pen, and went in, and started tossing a few at their feet. One by one, they discovered them, and before long, they were chasing them around, scarfing them up! This morning, when I took their feed out, they came running to me, and two even pecked at my feet, grabbing my shoelaces, etc. Fortunately, I still had a few peas left, and tossed them to them. They went nuts over them, again! Then, it was their regular feed, and they just stayed right next to me... no more fear! Ten ducklings (3 @ 7 weeks, 7 @ 6 weeks) chasing the peas was so funny.
I finally weighed the ducks. waddles still looks alot smaller but they are almost the same weight. Waddles is 4.8lbs @ 7 1/2 weeks and sally is 5.2 I think she may just be a little older maybe 8 weeks instead of 7 1/2. Would it really make that much difference in size for just a few days?

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