Pekin Duck Club!

Sorry for all the questions I'm just new to this. It's been 24 hours and none of the other eggs have even pipped yet. I'm about to take the one that did hatch out and put him in the brooder since he's dry and just wrecking through the bator lol. But I woke up this morning and he has turned all the eggs over to "O" when they've been on "X" through the entire lock down. Now I don't know how long they've been like this, probably a few hours, but should I turn them back around? Or have they repositioned themselves again?
Also I have some chick starter left over but it doesn't say medicated or non medicated. Says 18% crumbles. Should I go try to find a different one or???
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Very  exciting.  How many do you have?  Have you ever done this before?  Please keep us updated.  I would love to hatch eggs someday.
it's a staggered hatch but 5 should have hatched yesterday and then 7 later this month. I've done chickens but never ducks so this is a first for me lol. Only one has hatched so far but the others are still chirping away inside haha
Quote: My two seem to be turning from white to a yellow in colour? Maybe I just didn't notice before but now that they are older they seem to have a yellow tinge to their chests? They were yellow fuzz, then to a white, creamy colour and now they seem to have a bit of yellow on their chests. Maybe from the mud? Maybe I need to get another hobby and leave them alone. LOL
I would like to be a part of it! I have three hilarious pekin ducks.
I am happy to see this post. I adopted 3 pekins that were dumped on our community lake last summer. This spring we had 21 eggs in our flower bed, seven hatched and 2 chicks remain. (We have bass and turtles in the lake) These ducks are completely free range but they have attached to our back yard last summer as I started feeding them chicken feed. We have gotten so attached to these ducks. You posted about them training us.... Our ducks come up on our back deck and knock on the sliding glass door when it is time to feed them. It is so funny. The babies have started to come up as well. The babies are about 4 weeks old.
Finally got some more ducks a black crested duckling and four matures that apparently didn't have much human interaction before. A drake and hen white runners and 2 khaki campbell hens. I hope peas will help this weekend to get them to like us. They were rescues. Pics coming soon.
Hi I'm new to the group. I have 3 Perkins. 2 I got at a week old just before Easter and one I adopted from my girl friend who had 2 but one died.
Their names and markings are Tweets (has a sore on her beak) Quackers (is the largest) and Daisy (our smallest and adopted)

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