Pekin Duck Club!

Well, we will have to see what happens. If a Drake and a hen are housed seperately, will sh be ok without other hens?
Its been raining like crazy here. so apparently our ducks think the whole backyard is their pond. I need to post a pic of them swimming in the puddles.
Question, does anyone know the pattern of behavior between chickens and ducks? We have a mixed flock of chickens and ducks. They are both together for now, and because of their ages, can't tell if we have boys or girls yet. If we end up with a Drake, I am worried that he will get a little randy with all the girls. Does anyone know from experience?

Ours have been housed outside and the chickens decided last fall to be with them. We got all girl chickens and 3 male ducks (plus 5 hens) and they get along just fine. The drakes are not even interested in the chickens although they sleep and eat together. Best friends, just roaming separate in the day by their own choice.
Question, does anyone know the pattern of behavior between chickens and ducks? We have a mixed flock of chickens and ducks. They are both together for now, and because of their ages, can't tell if we have boys or girls yet. If we end up with a Drake, I am worried that he will get a little randy with all the girls. Does anyone know from experience?

My Drakes have never shown any interest in my chickens. They will however steal their food
Looks like you have the same problem as me. I think it's a "mild" case of "angel wing" which comes from eating to much protein (my girl, Qwakrs) doesn't have it but my boy (Chz) does & what's annoying is they were bought at the same time & raised in the same way - nothing different b/n them
not a happy momma!
I've looked on the web & on BYC & there are come "fixes" for this. I need to pick out the best method & get it fixed for him.
Good luck!!!
Mine are doing the same thing! Sour (the female) has it and the Sweet (the male) is just fine. I guess my girl is just a little piggy stealing all the chick food. I hope its not too late to try and help her. I feel like a bad momma. Its a learning process though. I have two younger Rouen, so I will need to watch them and their food intake to prevent angel wing with them too.

Thanks again!

I have 2 Pekins and 1 muscovy male. The 2 Pekins are boy and girlfriends. Every time, the muscovy comes toward them, the girl tucks her head in like a turtle and honks. Then she displays gesturing to the male. The muscovy whose name is Stanford, has mated with her. He is a little bigger than her and her boyfriend has run him off of her several times. I have 3 khaki and one buff that are almost 6 weeks so I keep them separate for now. ;)

I live on a creek, so they free range but come to get fed and nest some. I am gonna keep the babies up in a pen until they get big enough to go about their own. How best to integrate them with the others and what is this behavior that the girl Pekin does. Is she afraid of Stanford?



Hi. I have one Pekin drake, Quackers, who is 4 1/2 years old. He came to us from a family 6 months ago. This March I got a duckling from Tractor Supply and as of this week I'm sure that Cheese is a girl! Quackers was injured 10 days ago and has been recuperating in the spare bathroom infirmary. In the meantime Cheese has obviously been lonely and she's started assuming the "flounder" position for me sometimes. Here's the question... when Quackers can go back outside maybe as soon as this weekend, is she going to "flounder" and get more than she's ready for? She's a lot smaller than he is!

Yes, probably. You are the one who must protect her.

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