Pekin Duck Club!

My little babies are growing so fast. They love water puddles as much as pigs but now that we have the big kid pool, they are having a blast!!
aaaw, that is so cute.
I have 2 pekin Ducks age 10months and their names are roxy(boy) and miss wittle(girl) they are in need of a home. I live in northern va. Does anyone live close?? I would still want to come visit them because I love them!!
they are adorable. I really hope you find them a loving home. Sweet things...
hello all my name is nick and i just got two pekin ducks for my wife who loves them and they are around 7 weeks old. my question is how long till i can put them out in there coop? its nice in kansas its around 68 at night and 80s in the day 

If they are 7 weeks they should be fine outside already. Mine are 7 weeks now, I just put them out in the coop a few days ago, but that was mostly because I liked them inside lol they were big enough a couple weeks ago. I miss my duckies in my room lol but they LOVE it outside and I'm glad :)
I'm not sure how old mine are, but they're getting tons of white feathers now and still no quacking!

Mine is 7 weeks and has been quacking like a mad duck for awhile now and is fully feathered, definitely a duck. My Cayuga thats the same age is getting tons of feathers and lots of green but still sounds like a duckling when he chatters, I'm pretty sure hes a drake

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