Pekin Duck Club!

Hello I am a newbie!!
We purchased 4 pekin ducks and brought them home yesterday. They ran down to field and are hiding. 3 girls and 1 male. How long will they hide? We have put food down and i am sitting here waiting to see if they come out since it is dark. Anyone experience this? The ducks hiding like this? What can i do?
We live on a nice sized pond/lake
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Hello I am a newbie!!
We purchased 4 pekin ducks and brought them home yesterday. They ran down to field and are hiding. 3 girls and 1 male. How long will they hide? We have put food down and i am sitting here waiting to see if they come out since it is dark. Anyone experience this? The ducks hiding like this? What can i do?
We live on a nice sized pond/lake
They are very cute. Do you have a protected enclosure to put them in at night? Since they are new to your place and haven't established their routine, they may not know where to go. Can you and another family member herd them?
We have a duck house but since this happened we are now thinking of doing a kennel around it.
When they were let out of crate they ran down to the lake, then came out and walked into the field.

We tried to get them to come out sunday later in the day, but they went farther in. Then we tried tonight but did not go in far, i am afraid of snakes jumping up.

So this is now day 2. We set food around but we don't know how to get them out. I downloaded a duck call app to try but nothing.

Might bring lawn mower without blade to try to force them back toward to the yard?

We have a duck house but since this happened we are now thinking of doing a kennel around it.
When they were let out of crate they ran down to the lake, then came out and walked into the field.

We tried to get them to come out sunday later in the day, but they went farther in. Then we tried tonight but did not go in far, i am afraid of snakes jumping up.

So this is now day 2. We set food around but we don't know how to get them out. I downloaded a duck call app to try but nothing.

Might bring lawn mower without blade to try to force them back toward to the yard?

Their confused and don't know where to go nothing looks normal to them. always best to keep them up for a week or 2 till they get use to their surrounding and you. I know hind sight is better than foresight but a dog kennel would be ideal for protecting them once you get them home. Ducks herd well so put on some boots and long pants along with some family or friends and go in behind them in the woods and spread out walk slowly talking to them with your arms stretched out walk them out of the woods and up to their kennel and house.
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We have a duck house but since this happened we are now thinking of doing a kennel around it.
When they were let out of crate they ran down to the lake, then came out and walked into the field.

We tried to get them to come out sunday later in the day, but they went farther in. Then we tried tonight but did not go in far, i am afraid of snakes jumping up.

So this is now day 2. We set food around but we don't know how to get them out. I downloaded a duck call app to try but nothing.

Might bring lawn mower without blade to try to force them back toward to the yard?

Sweet things. Any luck getting them to safety?
Hello I am a newbie!!
We purchased 4 pekin ducks and brought them home yesterday. They ran down to field and are hiding. 3 girls and 1 male. How long will they hide? We have put food down and i am sitting here waiting to see if they come out since it is dark. Anyone experience this? The ducks hiding like this? What can i do?
We live on a nice sized pond/lake
Follow Miss Lydia's advice. You can use a cane pole with a tie on the end (so it will flutter) to extend your reach. Walk slowly, they will fuss but will move in front of you. Good Luck!
PEAS..You can draw them back like the pied piper with them! Well, ours you could...

Or get kids to flank them and drive them back...

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