Pekin Duck Club!

One lonely Pekin joined my flock of indian runners a month ago. Her entire flock including her ducklings had been killed by coons and my friend didn't want to restart her flock till spring. Mrs. Pekin had spent 2 wks alone before she finally joined my flock on thanksgiving day. She has become less anxious, reactive, and neurotic since she's settled into the flock although she still freaks out- runs and bites. I'm quite amazed at her boisterous personality-- quite different from my quiet runners. She still spends a good part of the day chasing the drakes. Her original name Mrs. Pekin has been replaced by the moniker "horny hen." I think I know why she was lame for several months last spring, probably chased too many boys.

Are most Pekins loud, boisterous, and well, loud? Or is she just a special duck? Do they all waddle so alarmingly? When chasing drakes Mrs. Pekin will go so fast she ends up using her wings to help her keep balance. The runner drakes just go at a fast walk to evade her. . . they seem more impressed by the sexy runner hens than a loud Pekin.
Hopefully in the spring Mrs. Pekin will go home to her farm with a batch of ducklings. . and continue to evade those nasty coons (yes, the route of entrance has already been repaired and her home farm duck house is being reset up for spring). Isn't she lucky her owner wants a batch of runner/Pekin cross ducklings?
One lonely Pekin joined my flock of indian runners a month ago. Her entire flock including her ducklings had been killed by coons and my friend didn't want to restart her flock till spring. Mrs. Pekin had spent 2 wks alone before she finally joined my flock on thanksgiving day. She has become less anxious, reactive, and neurotic since she's settled into the flock although she still freaks out- runs and bites. I'm quite amazed at her boisterous personality-- quite different from my quiet runners. She still spends a good part of the day chasing the drakes. Her original name Mrs. Pekin has been replaced by the moniker "horny hen." I think I know why she was lame for several months last spring, probably chased too many boys.

Are most Pekins loud, boisterous, and well, loud? Or is she just a special duck? Do they all waddle so alarmingly? When chasing drakes Mrs. Pekin will go so fast she ends up using her wings to help her keep balance. The runner drakes just go at a fast walk to evade her. . . they seem more impressed by the sexy runner hens than a loud Pekin.
Hopefully in the spring Mrs. Pekin will go home to her farm with a batch of ducklings. . and continue to evade those nasty coons (yes, the route of entrance has already been repaired and her home farm duck house is being reset up for spring). Isn't she lucky her owner wants a batch of runner/Pekin cross ducklings?
I had a pair of Pekins several years ago and the female passed away I still have the male. My female pekin never acted like that. She was quiet and very laid back and so is my male pekin. I think she has been through alot, losing her ducklings and seeing the others killed. Then she spent two weeks alone and then the move to your house. The poor thing doesn't know what to do. I think she is showing the males she is not taking anything off them. She is still angry about losing her family and being in a different environment. I think she will settle down in time. God bless you for taking her in.
Im not trying to be mean but this is a bad idea. when u decide u cant do it, u cant just release them, to a park, pond, or farm or they will for sure die. they are cute ducklings but are full grown in about a month or so. Even if they are house ducks they still need at the least a baby pool to swim in which cant be inside and still need outside time. My two ducks require just as much care as my baby daughter and my son is due next month so i had to give my ducks up to a wonderful woman and her daughter bc they could not get the approriate care and attention from me. between work and school you already dont have enough time for them. Even if they wear diapers, their diapers need changed every 2-3 hrs minimum or you will have poo everywhere and your parents will hate this and so will you! they are very messy. and very loud. i know you want pets but going from a fish to ducks is to big of a jump and you are setting them up for failure and death, sorry to say. plz dont take this meanly, im just trying to talk you out of it bc in my opinion its a bad choice for a pet! i love ducks i miss them dearly. in my personal op they are not a pet for a younging unless the parent is actually taking responsibility and caring for them.

I have to agree with you; I have two ducks. They are adorable when they are babies but they need to be outside with a pool or pond. They are a lot of responsibility.
Hello, I'm still learning how to use this site so excuse me if I post in the wrong place. I have one Pekin girl named Alicio as we thought her to be a boy for a while. She is only alone because she was a rescue and I don't want to add another until I buy a house in a few months so I can build a proper enclosure. She lives between my garage my house and our yard. I am a big animal lover but completely new to ducks lol. I have five Min Pins also. But this unassuming duck has captured my heart. She is my little baby and I find myself in a bad place as she has had some recent trouble since she laid her first egg right after Christmas and a second the next day. She went a week with no eggs only to get sick and lay soft broken eggs. After that first scare she went a week seeming to get better and two days ago laid a very large hard egg. Yesterday she laid another a bit smaller and hard so I thought ok we are in the clear! But today I came home to find my normally perky talkative girl on the ground unable to stand and quiet. I scooped her in my arms and got her water, after a few minutes she threw up. I panicked and put her in the bath tub where she looked weak and her tummy felt hard. I took her out and put her in a basket with blankets. She slept but woke in what looked like a seizure to me. Her wings stretched and she threw her head backwards and went limp with her eyes rolling in her head. I completely lost it crying and rubbing her till she seemed to come back. She was scared and had tears. I have kept her right next to me and she's very weak can't stand but chattered a bit and ate a little but she has been drinking more now. I plan to take her to a vet in the morning but I'm so sick with worry and fear. I wish I knew how to help her. This is so heart breaking. Any ideas?
Hello, I'm still learning how to use this site so excuse me if I post in the wrong place. I have one Pekin girl named Alicio as we thought her to be a boy for a while. She is only alone because she was a rescue and I don't want to add another until I buy a house in a few months so I can build a proper enclosure. She lives between my garage my house and our yard. I am a big animal lover but completely new to ducks lol. I have five Min Pins also. But this unassuming duck has captured my heart. She is my little baby and I find myself in a bad place as she has had some recent trouble since she laid her first egg right after Christmas and a second the next day. She went a week with no eggs only to get sick and lay soft broken eggs. After that first scare she went a week seeming to get better and two days ago laid a very large hard egg. Yesterday she laid another a bit smaller and hard so I thought ok we are in the clear! But today I came home to find my normally perky talkative girl on the ground unable to stand and quiet. I scooped her in my arms and got her water, after a few minutes she threw up. I panicked and put her in the bath tub where she looked weak and her tummy felt hard. I took her out and put her in a basket with blankets. She slept but woke in what looked like a seizure to me. Her wings stretched and she threw her head backwards and went limp with her eyes rolling in her head. I completely lost it crying and rubbing her till she seemed to come back. She was scared and had tears. I have kept her right next to me and she's very weak can't stand but chattered a bit and ate a little but she has been drinking more now. I plan to take her to a vet in the morning but I'm so sick with worry and fear. I wish I knew how to help her. This is so heart breaking. Any ideas?
@mammapekin I think a Vet is a good idea sounds like she is having egg laying trouble and could have an infection which a vet can prescribe proper antibiotics for. Please let us know what the vet says and prayers for you and Alicio.
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I think a Vet is a good idea sounds like she is having egg laying trouble and could have an infection which a vet can prescribe proper antibiotics for.  Please let us know what the vet says and prayers for you and Alicio. :hugs  
Thank you I will take her today. She laid an egg at 4am and is standing but weak. She's talkative but still has trouble moving while standing. What a terrible night, I hardly slept keeping my eye on her. I will update you later.

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