Pekin Duck Club!




Now what's cuter than a fluffy white ducks butt ;) thanks to Charm and Jalepeño and DJ Quack for letting me post there embarrassing pics here :D
They are too cute bum side up!
That is one cute baby.  :love

So I was able to take them to the vet today to be checked up. The vet said Koa seems to be in good health but she did hear some scratching in Tuas breathing so she gave me some antibiotic to give both of them just to be safe. She wanted to do a fecal matter test to test for parasites but I am going to see if the antibiotic helps. I figured if anything bacterial is in their system the antibiotic will help, I was given SMZ-TMP suspension. We also got them a huge cage and some straw. I'll update everyone in a few days.

Here's the new setup for them.
So I was able to take them to the vet today to be checked up. The vet said Koa seems to be in good health but she did hear some scratching in Tuas breathing so she gave me some antibiotic to give both of them just to be safe. She wanted to do a fecal matter test to test for parasites but I am going to see if the antibiotic helps. I figured if anything bacterial is in their system the antibiotic will help, I was given SMZ-TMP suspension. We also got them a huge cage and some straw. I'll update everyone in a few days.

Here's the new setup for them.
I took her to vet. Little help. She gave her antibiotics and calcium but she threw up about five minutes after and twice more on the drive home. Another person I have been talking to that knows ducks well said I should give her more meds but I'm a bit scared to. She was so stressed and pants every so often as she is in my house resting quietly in my room and not her cold garage. I feel like im failing her and don't know what to do. The vet didn't do blood work because of her stress level but told me if she's not better tomorrow to bring her to an animal hospital about two hours away. I don't really have more money to spend, I spent all I had on her visit today. The vet said its either metal poisoning or infection from reproduction problems. I feel like I'm going to lose her and I'm so worried. I don't have her for eggs, I'm vegan... I know many people just replace them but she came into my life by chance and I fell in love with her. She is like my child... I'm so worried. Should I give more meds?
I took her to vet. Little help. She gave her antibiotics and calcium but she threw up about five minutes after and twice more on the drive home. Another person I have been talking to that knows ducks well said I should give her more meds but I'm a bit scared to. She was so stressed and pants every so often as she is in my house resting quietly in my room and not her cold garage. I feel like im failing her and don't know what to do. The vet didn't do blood work because of her stress level but told me if she's not better tomorrow to bring her to an animal hospital about two hours away. I don't really have more money to spend, I spent all I had on her visit today. The vet said its either metal poisoning or infection from reproduction problems. I feel like I'm going to lose her and I'm so worried. I don't have her for eggs, I'm vegan... I know many people just replace them but she came into my life by chance and I fell in love with her. She is like my child... I'm so worried. Should I give more meds
@mammapekin did she give her an injection or meds by mouth? you can use calcium gluconate it's in liquid form and you can buy it at TSC if she'll eat peas you can pour it over the peas for her, that would be one way of getting some extra calcium into her.

Maybe @casportpony can help with meds do you know which one your vet gave her?

I know how helpless it can feel wanting to help and not knowing how and not being able to financially pay for vet care.

How is she doing this morning?
    did she give her an injection or meds by mouth? you can use calcium gluconate it's in liquid form and you can buy it at TSC if she'll eat peas you can pour it over the peas for her, that would be one way of getting some extra calcium into her.  

Maybe @casportpony
   can help with meds do you know which one your vet gave her?

I know how helpless it can feel wanting to help and not knowing how and not being able to financially pay for vet care.  :hugs

How is she doing this morning?
It's 4:45 I must have drifted off because I woke to another seizure just now. This one seems to have her seeing things on the wall and she pooped out what looks like yoke. The vet asked me if she has pooped yoke but she hadn't till now. She's also plucking feathers and twitching much more. She's on trimethoprim

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