Pekin Duck Club!

So I was able to take them to the vet today to be checked up. The vet said Koa seems to be in good health but she did hear some scratching in Tuas breathing so she gave me some antibiotic to give both of them just to be safe. She wanted to do a fecal matter test to test for parasites but I am going to see if the antibiotic helps. I figured if anything bacterial is in their system the antibiotic will help, I was given SMZ-TMP suspension. We also got them a huge cage and some straw. I'll update everyone in a few days.

Here's the new setup for them.
That looks great . Hopefully a few days on the antibiotic will take care of it. Did they show you how to give the liquid? you have to be very careful it doesn't go into the air sacs in poultry.
It's 4:45 I must have drifted off because I woke to another seizure just now. This one seems to have her seeing things on the wall and she pooped out what looks like yoke. The vet asked me if she has pooped yoke but she hadn't till now. She's also plucking feathers and twitching much more. She's on trimethoprim
Is she coherent enough that you can let her soak in a tub of warm water?With you staying right there with her? sometimes warm water can relax them enough to help them pass an egg or pieces of an egg if one has broken inside of her. Honestly other than the hospital about all you can do is supportive care and meds. It sure sounds like she has infection or an egg has broken inside. which can cause infection.. I think if you trust this other person you might want to try their advise. I am hoping @casportpony will be on soon I do trust her advise on meds.
I took her to vet. Little help. She gave her antibiotics and calcium but she threw up about five minutes after and twice more on the drive home. Another person I have been talking to that knows ducks well said I should give her more meds but I'm a bit scared to. She was so stressed and pants every so often as she is in my house resting quietly in my room and not her cold garage. I feel like im failing her and don't know what to do. The vet didn't do blood work because of her stress level but told me if she's not better tomorrow to bring her to an animal hospital about two hours away. I don't really have more money to spend, I spent all I had on her visit today. The vet said its either metal poisoning or infection from reproduction problems. I feel like I'm going to lose her and I'm so worried. I don't have her for eggs, I'm vegan... I know many people just replace them but she came into my life by chance and I fell in love with her. She is like my child... I'm so worried. Should I give more meds?

Oh that's horrible! I'll be praying she gets better. I know what you mean though, my ducks see not for eggs either they are strictly pets. I hope she's ok she seems to be in a lot of pain
That looks great .   Hopefully a few days on the antibiotic will take care of it. Did they show you how to give the liquid? you have to be very careful it doesn't go into the air sacs in poultry.  

The vet showed me to put it in the syringe and open the mouth and slowly squeeze it into their mouth. Is their a different way of doing it that is more effective?
Is she coherent enough that you can let her soak in a tub of warm water?With you staying right there with her? sometimes warm water can relax them enough to help them pass an egg or pieces of an egg if one has broken inside of her. Honestly other than the hospital about all you can do is supportive care and meds. It sure sounds like she has infection or an egg has broken inside. which can cause infection.. I think if you trust this other person you might want to try their advise. I am hoping @casportpony
will be on soon I do trust her advise on meds. 
5:30am she seized again but pushed a healthy egg out. Maybe not yoke I saw. She started to stand after the egg was laid but has been shaking her head violently and flailing about as often as she was seizing. Did that egg prevent her from walking or standing I wonder. Is she getting better or worse... I don't know. But I don't want to cause her more pain and suffering. Should I try niacin to see if it helps with the seizures and walking? I read a thread on here last night where a woman did and it helped. I want to find a way to make her better but don't want to make her suffer if she can't be saved. This is so hard.
5:30am she seized again but pushed a healthy egg out. Maybe not yoke I saw. She started to stand after the egg was laid but has been shaking her head violently and flailing about as often as she was seizing. Did that egg prevent her from walking or standing I wonder. Is she getting better or worse... I don't know. But I don't want to cause her more pain and suffering. Should I try niacin to see if it helps with the seizures and walking? I read a thread on here last night where a woman did and it helped. I want to find a way to make her better but don't want to make her suffer if she can't be saved. This is so hard.

By shaking head violently do u mean she is making strange quacking sounds while shaking her head to one side? My female Pekin Carly does that and she's 3 years old and healthy...
5:30am she seized again but pushed a healthy egg out. Maybe not yoke I saw. She started to stand after the egg was laid but has been shaking her head violently and flailing about as often as she was seizing. Did that egg prevent her from walking or standing I wonder. Is she getting better or worse... I don't know. But I don't want to cause her more pain and suffering. Should I try niacin to see if it helps with the seizures and walking? I read a thread on here last night where a woman did and it helped. I want to find a way to make her better but don't want to make her suffer if she can't be saved. This is so hard.

@mammapekin how is she doing this afternoon? sorry I haven't been on much today I was hoping @casportpony It wouldn't hurt to give her niacin.
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