Pekin Duck Club!

Hi. My Pekin ducks (hens) live on our old swimming pool (chlorine free for at least fifteen years now) on a floating duck house. Near the steps on the shallow end they have a bivouac area surrounded by stacked straw bales where I keep their food dish under a small sloped roof. They are about 9 months old and laid a few eggs last Fall but have begun laying again this month - between the two of them they laid a dozen eggs this week despite the frigid temperatures. The pool is also home to a few bullfrogs, Koi and dragonflies.
    How is your duck doing today? 
Not great. She seemed much better this morning even walked around eating and drinking then something happed and her legs have out. She declined today panting hard and labored breathing. I think she had a small seizure just now and her eyes dilated and she kind of attacked me after biting my hand like crazy while I hold her. She keeps propping upwards on blankets and my arm. So worried
Not great. She seemed much better this morning even walked around eating and drinking then something happed and her legs have out. She declined today panting hard and labored breathing. I think she had a small seizure just now and her eyes dilated and she kind of attacked me after biting my hand like crazy while I hold her. She keeps propping upwards on blankets and my arm. So worried
This really sounds serious are you still giving the antibiotics? anything else?
This really sounds serious are you still giving the antibiotics? anything else?
She spent the night in an animal emergency hospital. She had Iv fluids calcium and oxygen and had to be force fed because she lost so much weight within days. She's home now looking a bit better but we are supposed to have her blood work tomorrow. I can't get out of the house again till tomorrow to buy her new food. Any ideas of human foods that are safe and good for her? She needs to put on the weight she lost.
She spent the night in an animal emergency hospital. She had Iv fluids calcium and oxygen and had to be force fed because she lost so much weight within days. She's home now looking a bit better but we are supposed to have her blood work tomorrow. I can't get out of the house again till tomorrow to buy her new food. Any ideas of human foods that are safe and good for her? She needs to put on the weight she lost.
Do you have real oatmeal? grind it up a little and may add a little corn meal to it if she doesn't want to eat try adding a little warm water to it sometimes they will eat it soupy Do you have peas frozen or canned the little green peas? canned corn will work too just rinse well to get the salt off. If you have frozen thaw in the micro wave most ducks love little green peas.
I am so glad you took her andshe looking better. Please let us know when you find out about the blood work.

What is her new food?
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Do you have real oatmeal?  grind it up  a little and may add a little corn meal to it if she doesn't want to eat try adding a little warm water to it sometimes they will eat it soupy  Do you have peas frozen or canned the little green peas? canned corn will work too just rinse well to get the salt off.  If you have frozen thaw in the micro wave most ducks love little green peas.
I am so glad you took her andshe looking better. Please let us know when you find out about the blood work.

What is her new food?
I want to buy Mezuri water fowl feed but it's hard to find here so I need to go to a feed store to check. I was feeding her pail try feed with lots of veggies but I'm afraid to feed that too now. Can she eat smoked salmon?
Not smoked salmon, I don't think, but do you have any plain fish, not salted or oiled? Just a teaspoon of that mixed in with some oats. Hard boiled egg, in a blender with the shell is another emergency food I have heard of.

My ducks like some dry cat kibble from time to time, and as long as you don't feed more than a tablespoon at a time that should be okay.

If you have flaxseed meal, that in with the hardboiled egg would probably be good. Soaked wheat berries are a treat I give my ducks.
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Few days till hatching, then plus 3 days to bring them home!!

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