Pekin Duck Club!

Hello everyone,
I think my Pekin duck is actually a white khaki Campbell but I'm not sure, is there anyone who could help me figure it out.

He is seen here with my blue Swedish hen Pam. He's smaller than her.
Hi, everyone! I'm a newbie to this site and a relative newbie when it comes to Pekins. I had no idea what I was doing when I got my first batch of ducklings - I just thought they'd look beautiful on my pond (I mean what's a pond without ducks??). I was extremely lucky that of the 4 ducklings I purchased, all but one were females, and they were fabulous. I wasn't so lucky with my second bunch. All but one of my original group had passed away and the remaining duck seemed lonely, so I bought 6 unsexed ducklings from a local breeder.

And so the duck education began...

Of the 6, ALL turned out to be males but one...yes, 5 boys and 1 female. Now that they are all mature adults, I am struggling to keep the peace. I've separated out two males who seemed to be the lowest on the totem pole - now they can just beat up on each other :-( And the other three are on the pond with the female, but they are too much for her.

Long story short, I am trying to purchase adult females to add to the group. What would be the fewest number of females I would need to add to restore some semblance of peace (who knew ducks could be SO vicious)? And am I right in assuming I should keep them separate but in the same pond enclosure as the others for a period of time as way of introducing them?

Sorry for the long winded message, but I am so happy to find this group!
@duckies1230 @Juliebird

The Pekins are here! Due to low humidity (20%!!!) I had to start assisting. Banti was the first. She was easy to expose her face. She was bleeding some, so I put her down. Then there was Christopher. Chris was malpositioned, but okay other than dry. I got him mostly out too. It was getting late, so I made sure they were moistened (and the humidity was way up in the incubator!) and went to bed. When I began Banti, I got her head out. She laid it on my hand, and rested.
I worked until I saw more blood. Then it was Chris's turn. It was hysterical! He was kicking my hand with his tiny little webbed feet the whole time I was loosening him from the shell. The more he uncurled, the more his feet went scrambling, and he kicked me!
Sooooo precious!!
I am having problems uploading more photos right now.

As I was investigating the situation.Banti is closest to the rocker.

Giving up for the night. Banti in the back again.

Banti (I cut out the part of the picture where her shell was still partly on).

Chris. The blood isn't bleeding. It was from the shell. Don't worry.


Later on, when I finished freeing Banti. She was bleeding due to the shell getting torn from her stomach. Not dripping blood, but I held her a while. I wanted to be sure she was okay.

Chris was fluffy-ish by then.
oh, wow!! Precious, precious and very cute little webbed wonder. I's LOVES LOTS.
Am I the only one with a MEAN Pekin?? I had ducks when I was younger, and the friendliest one was a Pekin, so naturally when we decided to have 2 ducks with our flock, I wanted Pekins. We raised them since they were a day or 2 old...the drake has gotten so nasty and protective of his "mate". In the morning when I go out to let them out and clean buckets, etc, I now carry a rake to shoo him away since all he would do is bite me..HARD. He was just chasing my dogs but now attacks my older, slower guy (a greyhound with no fat on his body). The other issue is that they have absolutely beat the crap out of my submissive hen is missing so many feathers that she comes inside at night and can't be outside unsupervised free-ranging if the ducks are around. They were essentially raised with the chickens so I don't know why they are so territorial with them.
I have posted in other threads and tried all the "duck" discipline things. I've even considered anything medical to calm him down but there doesn't seem to be anything that works well. My question is- If I want to rehome him and just get another female- should I get another female first, introduce her to them, then take the drake away? I know this sounds awful. Or do I rehome the 2 of them and try again with a different breed? ( Because I do not want Pekins again after this).

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