Pekin Duck Club!

OMG as much as I hate that he is an a-hole....I could never. He is still a pet. I understand that people "cull" bad birds, but I am just not that person!! I wish I could just find a home with someone that has a nice, huge pond and lots of ladies so he is too busy to want to attack people. <sigh>
But my main concern is what to do with my female- get a third now and then get rid of the drake, or rehome the pair? I don't think she would do well alone even though the chickens are around. Maybe she would adapt until I got her a buddy but I just don't know.
Am I the only one with a MEAN Pekin?? I had ducks when I was younger, and the friendliest one was a Pekin, so naturally when we decided to have 2 ducks with our flock, I wanted Pekins. We raised them since they were a day or 2 old...the drake has gotten so nasty and protective of his "mate". In the morning when I go out to let them out and clean buckets, etc, I now carry a rake to shoo him away since all he would do is bite me..HARD. He was just chasing my dogs but now attacks my older, slower guy (a greyhound with no fat on his body).  The other issue is that they have absolutely beat the crap out of my submissive hen is missing so many feathers that she comes inside at night and can't be outside unsupervised free-ranging if the ducks are around. They were essentially raised with the chickens so I don't know why they are so territorial with them.
  I have posted in other threads and tried all the "duck" discipline things. I've even considered anything medical to calm him down but there doesn't seem to be anything that works well. My question is- If I want to rehome him and just get another female- should I get another female first, introduce her to them, then take the drake away? I know this sounds awful. Or do I rehome the 2 of them and try again with a different breed? ( Because I do not want Pekins again after this). 
My Drake is EXACTLY the same!! We've took them both(male/female) to our pond, with a temporary home, they both walked back home

He tries to bully my Rooster but Mr. Camo don't have it.
He is ALWAYS AGGRESSIVE TO ONLY ME! Everybody else he runs from. I've tried it all! Everything. Nothing works. So I carry my "shoosher" stick with me everywhere.
Lordy lordy! I have no idea. I know my male Pekin, Piotr, likes my bare toes and will bite them if I go out without shoes. But this Pekin sounds mean, yet they are not a mean breed, in fact quite gentle. Please don't do as that mean person suggested and kill him.Perhaps another home with more females.
Lordy lordy! I have no idea. I know my male Pekin, Piotr, likes my bare toes and will bite them if I go out without shoes. But this Pekin sounds mean, yet they are not a mean breed, in fact quite gentle. Please don't do as that mean person suggested and kill him.Perhaps another home with more females.
I agree with donaquijote. Do not kill him, please. Don't.
Since he was brooded with chicks I think he thinks he is a rooster. He acts like a mean rooster to me. He certainly does not act like a pekin at all. I would try and rehome him and make sure you warn the people about him. I hope they don't let him breed there doesn't need to be anymore pekins with his temperment.
Pekins are wonderful friends/pets. I spend a good deal of time with mine in the back garden. They love me pulling worms out of my worm bin, love cantaloupe, lettuce, tomatoes...can't think of anything else at the moment, but perhaps some of you have other treat ideas???
Hello! I have a three day old Pekin duckling. So far she is pretty gentle to the other ducks (different breeds) and seems sweet! This is my first experience with ducks so I am in the dark about a lot of things. Right now I am feeding my ducklings chick starter but are there other things small ducklings can eat?
Anyone use sand in their duck run? I have chickens and ducks in the same run and I was think of putting sand in. Thoughts? I'm just wondering how the ducks will do digging in the sand and if it's ok for them.

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