Pekin Duck Club!

It's resulting in hernias and parlizations.

It's not been a good week. I have one question I just want the easiest way and not a lot of money to be spent. How do you fix hot and cold spots in incubator and in a live duck.
Anyone use sand in their duck run? I have chickens and ducks in the same run and I was think of putting sand in. Thoughts? I'm just wondering how the ducks will do digging in the sand and if it's ok for them.

I do. I like it for the most part- you can rake it so it is fluff and fresh. You can also scoop out really nasty areas and just replace with fresh sand. It wasn't the best in the winter- since the duck poop would just freeze to it so I would rake straw on top of it so they weren't walking on soon as it would start to thaw, I would be digging out a frozen mass of sand/duck poop/straw. But I could then just add fresh sand to it during the winter too. During very wet times, I would add a mix of sweet PDZ with DE....because I was concerned about any extreme wet areas for my hens. I keep it freshly raked and any smell is minimal. I do recommend ensuring good drainage underneath it.

My Pekin and his girls
Count me in the club, I have 2 Pekins, Dandelion and Daffodil aka Dandy and Daffy. Both are girls from Metzer and I guess are rather small for pekins, one is the same size as my blue Swedish and the other is the size of my cayugas!




My Pekins have started eating the young nectarines on the bottom branches of my tree. They are swallowing them whole as the nectarines are only the size of a grape right now. Do you think this is okay? Could they get sick from this?
They did it !!! The Crazy Gang not only went into their coop on their own but went in through the door and not the side opening !!!!

I think I have 3 quacking or gronking and the rest are still kind of squeaking/yeeping, I'll sit with them tomorrow and see if I can make a video to post

Meanwhile happy duck momma :)

This Black Dynamite his dad is a Pekin and mom is a khaki Campbell
His head turns greenish in the sun
They were hatched on the 13th of Febuary
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Count me in the club, I have 2 Pekins, Dandelion and Daffodil aka Dandy and Daffy. Both are girls from Metzer and I guess are rather small for pekins, one is the same size as my blue Swedish and the other is the size of my cayugas!

They are so cute. They grow fast and will soon outgrow your other ducklings.

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