Pekin Duck Club!

I have an adorable pair of pekin ducks I got about four weeks ago from a feed store and I'm in love! This is my first time having ducks please add me
It's not to early at all, I would try putting them together and see if there is any major aggression. If there is any aggression I would separate them with a fence, but make it so they can still see each other. And after their actions turn to calm, then you can let them interact with each other again. Your ducks are young enough that it shouldn't take long for the older ones to except the younger ones.
I have 2 4 month old male campbells and 1 4 month old pekin female. I found some 2 month old female pekins. Is it too early to put them together?

I would think it would be okay to put them together AFTER they have been around each other for about a week or so. My husband built me a divider for my duck enclosure. It is a wood frame with chicken wire in the center.

This has worked wonderful for me. This way they can see each other but can't touch. I just got through introducing 3 KC's to my 2 Pekins using this divider.

Good luck!
I have 2 4 month old male campbells and 1 4 month old pekin female. I found some 2 month old female pekins. Is it too early to put them together?
I think I answered this on another thread, but if not...I used this

I used it as a separator. They could see each other but not touch. I would divide their enclosure in half. The old ducks on one side the new ones on the other. I used it for about a week when I introduced 3 new KC's to the flock.
I have Pekin ducks. Their egg production has backed way off. Do ducks molt like chickens? I am seeing duck feathers around but not enough for me to be able to tell if that is what is going on.
Glad i found this thread. I love my pekins! There by-far the most friendliest ducks i've ever had! I have two siblings named Stewart and Gimpy. so love to come up to you for scratches and treats. They're also the only ducks that let me take good photos of! i'll show a couple.

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