Pekin Duck Club!

If you have ever loved a chicken, hugged a duck, fed a quail, cared for a goose, or raised a turkey, you appreciate birds, and care about their welfare. Today I will be ranting about a serious bird cruelty issue.

Foie gras. Foie gras is the liver of a duck or goose that had corn shoved down its throat for 17 days before it died. Up to 1 kilogram a day. Yet this diseased liver is somehow sold as a delicacy. Some ducks/geese can’t take this. Their bodies are throw aside, as trash. Upon hatching, ducks are sexed, and the females are thrown into a grinder to be crushed to death. Less than a day old ducklings, killed because some stupid company deems them unprofitable.
Enraged? You can help put an end to this cruel practice. Help me help these following petitions to raise awareness and end foie gras production.

(If you find any more serious bird abuse problems, please post them below, I can’t find everything.)
My two males we got last year and then the nine we just bought the other day
I love how food motivated they are. It makes it easy to train them. Hope you got lots of niacin for those big babies. Lol!

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