Pekin Duck Club!

If you could get a good look at her tongue. I know that can be hard to do maybe some one to hold her wrapped in a towel.

Layer crumble and meal worms sounds good as far as feed.

You said the drake had roughed her up? that maybe why her feathers aren't in good condition. I also give my ducks for extra protein some good quality dog feed small enough they can swallow with out choking. You might also try putting some ACV into her drinking water it will benefit all your poultry. 1 Tablespoon to a gallon of water.
I love my WAFFLE
I teach mine tricks with quack snacks


It's impressive they very smart , I use simple commands.

I still let them sleep inside in their original tub they cry to come in at night I'm
So scared something will hurt them !!!!!!!

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