Pekin Rouen mix?

Wow, evansacres, thanks for posting the pictures. Your mix doesn't look anything like mine! That's surprising to me. I expected some variation but wasn't expecting such a drastic difference! Very interesting!
I was prepared to sell all the ducklings this year, but we had decided that we would keep "Spot" because she was so different from the others. The whole family wanted to know what she would look like when she feathered out. Anyway, I'm glad that we did. Here's a closer picture of her a couple of weeks ago, it shows her colors better, but it doesn't show how gorgeous her wings are when she stretches out in the morning

Petduck - I replied to your private message but just to follow up on here too, so there is no confusion for anyone else..."Spot" is definitely a cross between Rouen/Pekin. I have no other ducks other then Rouen/Pekin and she was hatched and raised by them here on our farm.

This is what my mix looks like. There is green shine to the head, and irridescent blue>green>purple on most every part of the body, being only slightly brighter on the speculum feathers, but so hard to photograph.
Love this topic, as I have jumbo pekins and jumbo size rouens and crossing them next year. According to Dave Holderread, you never know what color genetics a white duck is hiding under the white when you cross breed to another color, looks like in the photos on this thread that the underlying color was black bibbed. I'm wondering if it makes any difference whether it's white drake/rouen hen cross or rouen drake/white hen cross that makes a difference on what color the offspring are. I know on the call ducks I only have rouen colored drakes and white hens and the offspring pop out either a lighter color of the rouen color, or else they pop out black bibbed. It will be interesting to see if I get black bibbed pop outs with the jumbo pekins and jumbo rouen crosses next year.

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