Pen Floor Material - My holy grail

Aw ,nice

Do you find they dont mind walking on the pine needles ?? I'm still figuring out what to cover my duck run with...
Thanks! I was a little worried but trusted my source. They have no problem at all. I even tested it with bare feet and it was okay... only one needle stuck and it didn't even hurt.
Great idea for a floor. The pine needles should be fine for their feet. If it's ok for bare human feet I think it's fine for duck feet.

Your two boys look very handsome and in beautiful condition. So gorgeously white and clean!!
Haha you have two Pekin drakes also, seems the luck of the draw usually ends up with males. I have two males also, get along perfectly. But I knew all these pine trees would come in handy, currently I just throw a bale of hay in there and covered the ground...but this sounds much more effective.
I love them, it doesn't matter what they look like. Pekins have great personalities too!

Yep! That is just what I was gonna say. I have a Pekin cross and LOVE HER! Coloring doesn't matter. As long as you love them, and they love you.....perfect. Awesome duck house!!
Do these drakes have any idea how girly their house is?
They look like sweet buddies!

Pffft these ducks laugh at your traditional gender-identity notions! These drakes are very confident in their masculinity!
: lol:

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