Pen Floor Material - My holy grail

Thank you on both accounts.
Ok, so, questions as I'm trying to plan my duck setup: what did you mean exactly by 'Raise the boards an inch for drainage'? raise them an inch of the ground>? how? I haven't really....ever...built anything. Otherwise I think I understand the rest of what's going it the pea gravel that keeps predators from digging under, or do you have an apron of some sort on there as well, or...?
I just shoved an inch block of wood under the boards, nothing fancy... Just enough to give a space for the water to drain. The boards are not secured in place by anything except for the weight of the gravel. To protect from predators, the entire bottom (under the gravel) is 1/2" hardware cloth that is zip tied to the chainlink kennel frame. The walls and top of the of the kennel are wrapped in hardware cloth as well.
They are pets. The gender was luck of the draw as I got them as little babies from the feed store. They get along great and I love them very much. They get lots of attention since it's only them.
as long as your happy. If i could only have 2 ducks though i'de get something colorful (not that your ducks arn't pretty jst saying) maybe......manderines hhhhmmmmmm now i've got something to think about

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