Pennsylvania Chickenstock CLARION TSC June 23, 2012

Looking for a Cornish roo that can actually hit the breeding target. Both of mine from the hatchery seem to be so inbred that they can't figure out what to do. They look... wrong in other ways too, I really think it is inbreeding. I have some Rock hens, and would like to get some wide bodies for the freezer. My RIR rooster has given me enough egg layers, looking for another source of protein.

My mother got some chickens there in April, my aunt got a peacock. If I'm not visiting at the time, my mother will be shopping for me. Wish I know of something like this in eastern NC.
Really hoping I can make it. If I can, I will be bringing two (or three) Columbian Rock Cross Roos. They will be 11-weeks by then. Go figure. The girl at the Clearfield TSC tried to give me all pullets. I only have one I am sure of being a pullet, one I am pretty sure, and one I seriously doubt it. All the rest are little stinkers for fooling her. Like they say, ya don't know 'til they crow ... Or lay an egg.
I will be looking for Orpingtons, or New Hampshire pullets/hens. I am also looking for Jersey Giants.
So, I am crossing my fingers that my husband won't be working. I REALLY wanna go!
Well, I've gone through what I'll be keeping and what I'll be selling. I have 4 white silkies, unsexed, I'll be bringing to the swap. I am not sure what I'd be looking for yet. I do know I'll be hot on the trail of some guineas and turkeys if the price is right. :)

Hope to see everyone there!
We will make it after all! I will have Young (no longer chicks, but not yet mature) silkies, FBCM"s and a RIR roo. I'll have to wait and see what else I have. Probably some cochins too.
It looks like I can make it too.
Hey Zookeeper, Since Muppet's (curly roo) departure I've hatched out twelve chicks by him over a smooth coat blue sizzle hen. They are 100% frizzled, and about 3/4 splash, 1/4 blue!!! I'll have to show you pics on my phone, since I haven't had any time to download them, or if you PM me with your email I can send them to you. I'll have at least one example of his there.

So... I'll have the following:

7 Easter Egger cockerels ...Free in groups of 2 or more 8-12 weeks
4 Polish X silkie cockerels ...Free in groups of 2 or more. 8 - 12 weeks These have a splash silkie sire over a buff laced Polish hen
1 Serama x OEGB cockerel ...Free
2 or more Sizzle cockerels $5 each BBS
1 Serama X Belgian D'Anver cockerel $2

D'ya see a theme here?
.... So basically I suck because I'm bringing all unwanted boys... Some are "pullets" I bought at the last Clarion Chickenstock :/

And I'm in search of guinea keets,
And my dd & I can't wait, because this is always such fun!

So will there be a ragffle this time, Rachael? I'll cross post on FB

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