Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Where does everyone get the animated smilies?
Never mind
Chad you going to submit some pics to the hatchalong contests, you have some great chickens to use with those adorable polish!
The hatchalong contest polish pics? Axl is sporting a pretty snazzy dooo
Wow, the closest place to me(two miles) is twice that...
Yeah I was shocked and pleasantly surprised! They even had 250lbs of feed loaded in my truck by the time I had the receipt in my hand!!
as long as i dont know about it i am okay with it. i just dont have the heart to put it on my own plate for dinner. As long as i can believe they are running somewhere free i am fine with it... haha
Wing is closer to you and she has one of those don't ask don't tell pens
Sally, you have chad meet me there with his special orange juice sometime and we will get them all done,,,of course a dinner will have to be involved.

Ok I am not gone back to quote....

whoever has the problem rooster,,,careful,,,I traumatized my granddaughter by taking one out in front of her,,,,it was more of a reaction than a plan....she walked around for 2 m,onths telling everyone I kill animals...

Sally, Chad,,, all of you up that direction,,,,i will not have alot of time this weekend, but I have to make plans to come see all of you....I know how to get to lebanon, but after that i am lost.......

hugs.gif will get better....been there with a divorce and sounds like alot of the others on here have been also....
You have my number! Call! Bruce will be here too.
does anyone have any thoughts on different breeds of chicks? I like the silkie and the polish cause of their crazy hair dosss.. but the more and more i am no here the more and more i dont want to wait another two weeks to geth the silkies and polishes when they come in... and thoughts ?
I didn't really have an interest in the Polish till my oldest daughter wanted them. Them **** things are cute! Yeah Sally has silkies and cochins! Both are cute!
any ex smokers does get easier .....doesn't it...
Not an Ex....
Duramaxgirl, and DMRippy!!!
That's it! Donna has them too? I knew the one was a truck gal..
I went to the feed store today

and came home with 14 pullets

Five Easter Eggers

Five Black Australorps

Two Rhode Island Red & Two White Leghorns

I also reserved 4 Buff Opringtons, 4 Gold Laced Wyandottes and 4 Speckled Sussex which they will be getting in later.
Very nice! I personally have warded off all mills and locations with peeps...I would have a problem..
Awesome!! I would love visitors, but do I need to get out of my sweats? LOL

Wing I quit smoking when I turned 40! OMG SUCKED to say the least, now others really stink! LOL and Chad makes me cough! LOL true story!
Montgomery County (Eastern side of PA)
Just discovered my fellow PA'ers.

My backyard flock consists of 4 buff brahma's and 3 blue splash marans (all hens which just turned 1 yr old). However, I hope to be increasing the flockette with my very first incubated brood. 14 mail ordered blue splash marans eggs...6 piped this morning and as I sit here I hear their first little peeps. How egg-citing!!!
Hi! Welcome aboard! There are a ton of people very close to you. Get Missy your zip code and she can add you to the PA map and you can see how many are right in your own area.
If you don't mind me asking,,, where are you getting your MARANS ???

I'd be interested in some eggs and possibly the "soup" Roo,,, always like the look of him in his photos !!!

GUINEAS definitely help with predators ! Not that they attack or defend,,,, they ALARM when they see something to worry about. I have many and free range about 6 to 8, there is always a "look-out" for danger, they sound off an alarm sound and everyone else pops their heads up to see what might be coming and head for cover, even the chickens learn this behavior. There is still an occassional loss, but I like them as guards.

Word of caution; you have to be able to deal with the noise they make, they are NOT quiet birds ! The other advantage is that they LOVE eating bugs, especially ticks.

There are many breeds for many reasons,,,, doing a little homework before you decide can save you alot of trouble later on.
Some breeds don't do well confined, others don't do well free-ranged; example, polish can't see predators coming because of their fancy feathered heads ! Other breeds may be more territorial and become more aggressive to each other when kept in close quarters.

And, there is always the egg production end of things,, and the maturing rate. Some larger fowl may not lay until they are much older, and may not lay as many or on as regular a basis as "egg production" breeds and crosses.

Some say that Marans eggs are the "gourmet" of eggs,,, chefs like using them. Diet is definitely the determining factor in the color and taste of an egg. That's why backyard chicken's eggs have a better yolk color and better taste than a store bought "egg-factory" egg.
Hi Ray!!!
Sadly, nope! I've always wanted to go/live in Pennsylvania! But I'm from Canada and I think I'm going to stay here
It's OK! I almost took a job in BC once too. Helilogging
New pics up in the wyandotte thread of my chicks
Please take a look, any gender guesses appreciated. 2 BO in there as well, starting to wonder if they are one of each... If yes, they may need to find a home... Starting to feel like I have too many!
Oh, wait, Sally has SILKIES????
Chicken math is a cruel and evil mistress sometimes.
Never mind
Sometimes at this hour of the morning even dancing smileys can escape you.
Sharing my three week olds just being chicks! I love em. They are in a brooder consisting of two 50 gallon containers connected to each other. This is the left side and the right side has heat lamp, water and more food.
You can do it! I don't like the smell anymore. I do like pipe smoke though. I never smoked tobacco out of one, don't like cigars either. I did like clove ciggies. I had a Cuban cigar when I was on a cruise. Holy crappola, that thing made my head spin! I had to go to bed 1/4 of the way through it. It was also the sea sickness and wine!
That's cause you were a ciggy smoker....and you INHALED! LOL You don't inhale cigars!
Sharing my three week olds just being chicks! I love em. They are in a brooder consisting of two 50 gallon containers connected to each other. This is the left side and the right side has heat lamp, water and more food.
The 2 white ones are acting rather rooish.
me for one, HAD to quit two years ago, i did it cold turkey cause i had a heart attack, the acute craving does go away but when you smell one someone else is smoking, you would kill to join them, not from craving but from remembering how it was, luck to you
i quit 18 years ago, I have had times of stress (teenager shenanigans, sick parents) that make me want one intensely, still. But the smell....BLECH!! Nope, the smell does not tempt me anymore.
8 serama babies out and 4 to go, looks like one is gone but I would say Harmony Does it AGAIN, oh wait, I ended up with all the turning this time around! I think we need a break until next year or I get my NY eggs, wait we have brahma to set this weekend and I need more silkies! I need a turner in the coolerbator at this point I think.


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