Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


(in bucks county, se pa)

Sad news. One of my chicks is missing. I kept counting and counting. She is gone. I know (so far) it is not a Jersey Giant or Barred Rock. I THINK I ruled out Red Star. I am pretty sure she was a Partridge Rock. I am ticked with myself
because I knew predators had the ability to get in during the day, but I am not as bothered as if it were a Barred Rock or even Jersey Giant. Plymouth Rock was added only because it made the order cheaper (ha ha! I made a joke!
I have closed the brooder (these babies are only a week old) now, and will be more careful. I am concerned it was one of the neighbor's cats. Darn things have eaten a few of their chicks. Anyway, I do feel bad, and keep thinking I will find it somewhere (denial or hope?). Hope nothing tries to come back for more!
beaglady kindly hatched out 2 little sebrights for me! YAY! She felt like they'd be lonely so sent along a salmon favorelle and 6 ducklings!!!!! How adorable. I will get pictures ASAP!
Shelbear, cute chicks, Love the Polish!

Gardeninmama! HOOT!!

Motorcycle chick, sorry about your chick, but check all nearby shrubs just in case.

Missy, congrats on your new critters!

You are not going to believe this... The chick (it was a Partridge Rock) was down by the coop! I still don't know what happened, but I know it was gone all day today. I am just stunned!!
Sad news. One of my chicks is missing. I kept counting and counting. She is gone. I know (so far) it is not a Jersey Giant or Barred Rock. I THINK I ruled out Red Star. I am pretty sure she was a Partridge Rock. I am ticked with myself
because I knew predators had the ability to get in during the day, but I am not as bothered as if it were a Barred Rock or even Jersey Giant. Plymouth Rock was added only because it made the order cheaper (ha ha! I made a joke!
I have closed the brooder (these babies are only a week old) now, and will be more careful. I am concerned it was one of the neighbor's cats. Darn things have eaten a few of their chicks. Anyway, I do feel bad, and keep thinking I will find it somewhere (denial or hope?). Hope nothing tries to come back for more!
So sorry.
Have to share with you all my sweet little roo. He disappointed me so much this morning by crowing his first crow. I had be deluding myself that he was a she.... I have another that looks just like this, so fingers crossed that she will remain a she!!!


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